Friday, February 12, 2021

Breaking Karl-Rove-is-Worthless-Scum News Alert!

By "W"
Fri, Feb 12, 2021 3:51 p.m.

Funders of the Lincoln Project

"W": As we have read elsewhere, Karl Rove admits he knew about the homosexual predator co-founder Jon Weaver back in 1988. But he did nothing to expose him and to protect young males from Weaver's advances. Rove didn't tell the world when Weaver was a key aide to John McCain.



  1. Nothing new here: Karl Rove has ALWAYS been worthless scum. Even his buddy Bush called him "Turd blossum."

  2. This sounds like another Joe Paterno and the coach case.

  3. jerry pdx
    Host of the TV series "The Bachelor" grovels before the altar of race hysteria:

    Here it is in a nutshell:

    Photos surface of a white female contestant on the
    Bachelor where she had attended an "Old South" party where the women wear hoop skirts and she is accused of racism.

    Chris Harrison shows some spine and defends her.

    The usual suspects scream he is a racist.

    Chris Harrison's spine disappears, he prostates himself before them, writhes on the ground while licking the boots of his negro masters and steps back from the show.

    Just when race hysteria seems to have gone beyond human reason, it goes even farther. Unbelievable.


    (C-NET)The Senate voted Saturday to acquit former President Donald Trump on an impeachment charge of incitement of insurrection, bringing Trump's second impeachment trial to a close. The vote came after a five-day proceeding in which arguments focused on whether Trump incited the attack on the US Capitol on Jan. 6, and whether it's constitutional to conduct an impeachment trial of a former president who's now a private citizen.

    The acquittal, largely along party lines, was expected. Though the Senate is split 50-50, with Vice President Kamala Harris a potential tie-breaking vote as president of the Senate, the impeachment trial required a two-thirds supermajority for a conviction, meaning 17 Republican senators would've had to break with Trump. In the end, the vote was 57-43 to convict, with all 48 Democrats, two independents and seven Republicans finding Trump guilty. That wasn't enough.

    A conviction was an unlikely outcome from the beginning. In a Jan. 25 vote led by Sen. Rand Paul on whether the impeachment trial of an ex president is unconstitutional, just five Republicans voted in favor of a trial. The first day of the impeachment trial, earlier this week, saw a similar vote, during which six Republicans voted with Democrats to continue the proceeding.

    On Saturday, the Republicans who voted alongside Democratic senators to convict Trump were Sens. Susan Collins, Mitt Romney, Lisa Murkowski, Ben Sasse, Pat Toomey, Bill Cassidy and Richard Burr.

    GRA:When is the next impeachment of Trump scheduled--and for what high crime--taking a mulligan while playing golf in Florida?

