Friday, February 12, 2021

Bay Area PDs are Actually Seeking to Protect Elderly Asians, after a Wave of black-on-Yellow (You Know, by Trump Supporters?) Hate Crime Attacks; What about Protecting Whites?

By R.C.
Fri, Feb 12, 2021 11:18 a.m.

Attacks on Older Asians Stoke Fear in Bay Area’s Chinatowns as Police Step up Patrols



  1. Protecting whites? They don't care about whites. I know of several couples where the Chinese or Taiwanese wife was disowned by her family for marrying a white man--one woman hadn't heard from her father for 20 years. But the dirty secret is that many Asian women don't like Asian men--they think they treat women badly and are just not attractive. Naturally neglected Asian men resent white men because of this. I remember seeing what was supposed to be a letter from a Chinese father to his daughter in America on priorities for finding a husband. At the top of the list was a Chinese man with a green card. Somewhat down the list was a white man, and the last item was an order to never marry a black. I know one Asian mother who told her daughters to marry white men and herself arrange introductions to white men. Another told her daughter to marry a rich Jew--and in fact I've read that many Asian women do exactly that--including the one who married Internet Tyrant Zuckerschmuck. But don't expect any other race to lookout for white interests--none do that--not even other whites.

  2. Correct. Whitey left to fend for themselves. And forbid if some whitey shot and killed a negro or Mex assailant.

  3. If I didn't know better I would think there's mind control to demonize White People. One of the many myths is that Whites deserve to be violated, robbed, attacked and disrespected because of you fill in the blank or because they are White and hated. The movement to get rid of bail or prison time never mentions the victims of these criminals either. Much is made of the fact the majority of criminals in prison are brown and black. Good, there needs to be more of them put in prisons for longer sentences. Blacks get way with murder in this country.

    Look at the endless vitriol towards strong and accomplished white men, Donald Trump, Tom Brady, James Dolan. It's all jealousy and pettiness, which blacks are experts at being. Petty, low minded. So much for the Obummer woman saying when they go low we go high. No, blacks as a group are very very petty. This is what they kill each other over, total nonsense. I suppose it all goes back to the slave cabin yards where rivalries began. Have you noticed the replication of the slave cabin yards in your community lately? When platoons of abled bodied males are hanging out on porches, stoops, sidewalks, parks in the middle of a week day, you know something is wrong with your neighborhood. And you may want to consider moving. These day time idles, make money with illegal methods that become unsavory and dangerous for their neighbors.

    They are putting targets on the backs of whites. The nonsense that blacks are constantly killed by police is to make blacks out to be victims when they aren't. If that were true the world would be a much more peaceful and saner place.

    Blacks are the perpetrators of the majority of crimes. Black victims know this too well.

    Look at the "Karen" movement. Any White woman who dares to call the police on someone black/dark is labeled and vilified. That poor woman in NYC Central Park who had the misfortune to be threatened by a black male lost her job. But no worry, she's just a karen. What about a black woman who abuses people, what is that called? A LaToya.

    Was Tessa Major a Karen? is that why she was murdered by pre teens? One of whom got a lousy 18 months for killing her. No doubt he will be back inside again.

    Constantly blacks are held to different standards. They can be violent but no one dare to defend them selves. They are brainwashing us to think self preservation is wrong. Look at how Trayvon was sanctified and Zimmerman demonized. Say the words George Floyd and the brainwashed lose their minds.

    That's why one needs to have their wits about them and remember that self preservation is a very good thing. Don't believe the lies and don't let your white children be brainwashed. It could mean life or death for them. Don't let them believe the school and media brainwashing.

    If I could leave NYC I would and go where there are very less blacks and hostile illegal aliens.
    Where is that wonderful place?
    I live among Asians and whites - unfortunately what the black movement has done is infected whites to be pitted against other whites. Why is it that blacks chimp out when a dark person they don't even know is in some situation, but whites will turn on each other? I am sickened by the BLM sings in windows and yards here. There is one sign that says We are with George Floyd. I wanted to add IN HELLL to that sign.
    The perpetrator was caught because high profile Asians put up reward money. The famous whites would turn away from another white who had been attacked. As long as they are safe....
    Look at the idiotic celebrities who run to adopt/buy black babies. As if there are no white babies in the USA who need good parents. The celebrities are buying black children to make themselves look good to the public.
