Thursday, December 24, 2020

Rogue Federal Judge Unconstitutionally Blocks Trump's Executive Order Banning Some Diversity Trainings

By A Colleague
Thu, Dec 24, 2020 at 7:41 P.M.

Rogue Federal Judge Unconstitutionally Blocks Trump's Executive Order Banning Some Diversity Trainings

AC: We have lost so badly, the enemy is merely conducting mopping up operations.


1 comment:

  1. By phrasing it the way you headlined the story,you're assuming we HAVE a constitution.Btw,which court would say we actually have one?It appears that our current court system's view of the constitution is much different from the one our founders unveiled--and is unraveling even further away--each day that goes by.

    The intended purpose of the constitution was a set of guidelines for White's rights.Thanks to the disease of racial guilt,White's rights--which peaked 60 to 70 years ago--are being taken away at a faster and faster pace.Astounding to see this occur under the supervision of White people.

    White court members may actually find it "constitutional" for blacks to avenge any perceived racism by Whites by eliminating them--either through arrest or execution-with reparations thrown in for good measure.

