Saturday, December 26, 2020

Nashville Explosion was Actually a Missile Strike, and the Target was the AT&T/NSA Hardened Switching Facility “Spy Hub”

By A Texas Reader
Sat, Dec 26, 2020 2:13 p.m.

Nashville Explosion was Actually a Missile Strike, and the Target was the AT&T/NSA Hardened Switching Facility "Spy Hub"

ATR: Told you so.

No one killed.

Why is that?

Because it was an extremely sophisticated operation, and not some rogue "lone wolf."

And Mike Adams is correct about google blurring images of military or law enforcement importance.

I know this as I work in the residential mortgage industry.  A few years ago I had a loan unilaterally rejected by my underwriters.  Apparently, the support folks could not find the property in southern Alabama.  The property was not on google maps.   Then I remembered why this was so.   My client worked as the county sheriff in that county.  His home had been intentionally blurred out by google.

ATR: Paul Craig Roberts is correct.

There was a military coup on the morning of 9/11/2001.

The NSA is an arm of the Pentagon.

This needs to be hammered home again and again and again.

I know this as I have a family member by marriage who is a programmer for the NSA at Fort Meade.  He is former Navy.

1 comment:

  1. I'm ready to be shocked.If this is reported by one news station I watch,I'll be shocked.
