Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Zebras Without Stripes: The NFL Proudly Announces All-Segregated Officiating Crew

By Nicholas Stix

“Inclusion” = Exclusion

“Integration” = Segregation

black supremacist Troy Vincent, who in the past wept with joy at the sight of black supremacist players refusing to stand for the national anthem, was again beside himself with racist joy.

“When the NFL announced the crew was being assembled last week, league executive vice president of football operations Troy Vincent hailed the move ‘a testament to the countless and immeasurable contributions of black officials to the game, their exemplary performance, and to the power of inclusion that is the hallmark of this great game.’”




  1. I'd hate to be a White QB in that game.


  2. Negroes are not for their fairness and impartiality.
