Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Video of Confrontation in Louisville between Armed Patriots and Armed antifa/blm

By Merlin

“USA: Armed militia members face off BLM protesters in Louisville
•Sep 6, 2020

1.61M subscribers

“A group of armed pro-Trump and militia activists marched to the City Hall in Louisville, Kentucky, on Saturday. They were confronted by Black Lives Matter counter-protesters [sic]. Rival protesters were filmed verbally confronting each other before police officers showed up prompting militia leader Dylan Stevens, known as the Angry Viking, to say his group was leaving the area. Armed militias were present in various locations across the country during the recent protests against racism and police brutality. In late August, two people were shot dead and several others injured in Kenosha, Wisconsin, after a civilian armed with a rifle opened fire on demonstrators.”

"Armed militias were present in various locations across the country during the recent protests against racism and police brutality. In late August, two people were shot dead and several others injured in Kenosha, Wisconsin, after a civilian armed with a rifle opened fire on demonstrators."

Correction: … during the recent racist riots, looting, and arson. In late August, a civilian fatally shot two rioters and wounded a third in Kenosha, Wisconsin, while they were attempting to murder him.



  1. Pretty humorous stuff.Bullhorns shoved in black faces,blacks telling the cops who to arrest(Whites)--"they over there,over there."
    Lots of obese protesters AND overweight cops.
    If we have a Civil War,I think half of the casualties will come from combatants dropping dead of heart attacks--carrying a heavy weapon and running when you're a 44 inch waist or higher,is asking for a "chest grabber".

  2. Demonstrators. Strange way for persons attempting to kill another person. Riots now too called protest or "disturbance".
