Monday, November 02, 2020

Journalism Fraud Ida B. Wells is to be Honored Yet Again, with a Statue in Memphis

-----Original Message-----
From: Lynching Sites Project of Memphis <>
Sent: Mon, Nov 2, 2020 11:59 a.m.
Subject: Honoring Ida B. Wells

Note that the argument for a memorial opens with a lie: "Ida B. Wells was a Memphian."

No, she wasn't. She lived for ten years as an adult in Memphis. She was born in Holly Springs, MS, and died in Chicago.

Wells was given a special Pulitzer Prize this year. Prior to that, the Pulitzers were only given to the living, but Wells was black, so the rules and traditional practices don't apply.

Actually, the Pulitzer given to Wells was a stealth second Pulitzer given to new york times 1619 hoaxer Nikole Hannah-Jones, who calls herself @Ida Bae Wells, on twitter, and who was given a Pulitzer under her real name for her 1619 Hoax. First, she lied about the history of 1619, and then she lied about what she'd said, as the times' editors changed what she had written last year. 

Ida B. Wells' singular achievement was in foisting on the world the blood libel, whereby there is no such thing as black-on-White rape, because White women are irresistibly drawn to black men, and only cry rape, in order to avoid the shame of their consensual couplings with black men coming to light.

Honoring Ida B. Wells

"Ida B. Wells was driven out of Memphis in 1892. She might soon have a statue on Beale Street"

by Katherine Burgess           
Memphis Commercial Appeal             
A proposed visual shows the conceptual "Ida B. Wells Plaza", which organizers hope to install in 2021.  Courtesy Photo 
"By 2021, Memphis could have its own statue of Ida B. Wells, the African American civil rights advocate and journalist who fought against racism, segregation and lynching.
She left Memphis in 1892, forced to stay away from the city after threats were made on her life and her office was destroyed.
Now, the Memphis Memorial Committee, in partnership with the Neshoba Community Resource Center, is seeking to — in a way — bring Wells back to the city where she taught school and then co-owned and wrote for the Memphis Free Speech and Headlight newspaper."
Read Commercial Appeal Article Here
Learn the story of one of the only known living survivors of a racial terror lynching by watching the documentary short film "Ashes To Ashes" followed by a panel discussion. There will be two opportunities: Friday evening, November 13th, at 6PM CST, and Sunday afternoon, November 15th, at 3PM CST.
This event is co-sponsored by the APJMM Pulaski County Community Remembrance Project and the Coming To The Table National Office.
The Community Foundation of Greater Memphis is moving to a lockbox system for donor checks.  They will continue to take credit card donations online on their website.  

Their new address is below and please note that the last 4-digits of the zip code are important to include.  

Make checks payable to the Community Foundation of Greater Memphis. Please write "Lynching Sites Project of Memphis" in the memo line.  Mail checks to their secure lockbox at: 

Community Foundation of Greater Memphis
Dept. 78
P.O. Box 1000
Memphis, TN 38148-0078
Click Here to Donate Online to LSP
Please check out our LSP recommended book list updated on our website.  These books have all been recommended by LSP members and center on the history, significance, and impact of lynchings in our country and others.  We recommended starting out with Lethal Punishment: Lynchings and Legal Executions in the South, written by our very own LSP member, Margaret Vandiver.  


Read More

"Let Us Hear From You" -- We often get responses, questions, even complaints and disagreements from friends on our email list.  We want to hear from you.  We need to hear from you.  Simply respond to this email. 


  1. Out of curiosity,I viewed a few minutes of the PBS hitpiece called,"Frontline:2020 Trump vs Biden."
    I didn't know it was such a piece of crap when I started out watching it,but 30 seconds in,the tone was set.

    If anyone wants to see a perfect example of a hate Trump/love Biden propaganda show-with a slant of presentation that's so over the top in lacking objectivity,that it actually induced anger from me.

    "Trump is a bully as a kid,"says the narrator,Biden,a victim of stuttering and being poor.
    Onto adulthood,Trump uses "crisis to his advantage."
    Intimidation,"what's in it for me" and "angry" are repeated descriptions about Trump.They become mantras in any review of Trump's history.

    The narrator compares Biden to John Kennedy.Biden likes blacks.He hugs strangers.
    At that point,the channel was turned to something else--ANYTHING else.
    PBS should be ashamed of itself for its lack of fairness.If you're going to criticize one candidate,you damn well better criticize the other one--and there's plenty about Biden to dig up,but on this show,is not.

  2. Tear the statue down when it is erected. Some persons consider Ida to be a divisive individual.
