Monday, October 26, 2020

NYC: Misleading Headline about Subway Crime

By "W"
Mon, Oct 26, 2020 9:08 p.m.

NYC: Misleading Headline about Subway Crime

"W": Ridership is reportedly down 70%, but the headline says crime remains "steady." Shouldn't it read that subway crime is sharply higher?

N.S.: You're right, of course. Even according to the MTA's massaged fakestats, subway crime has exploded beyond its usual intolerable--and I speak from hard-won experience--level.

First of all, when murder and rape increase--let alone astronomically--it is impossible, as a practical matter, for crime to hold steady or drop slightly. Murder, aggravated assault (translation: attempted murder), and rape numbers are the faces of chaos. If they (in case, two of three) are exploding, all violent crime is exploding.

The MTA asserts that "burglaries" on the subways increased 340% (from 5 to 22), while robberies were down slightly. That's completely incredible. When black criminals take someone's property on the subway, it's almost always by force. And if someone grabs something from next to you on the train and runs, without using force, that's theft. What on Earth would criminals be getting out of subway "burglaries"?

My educated guess is that the explosion was in robberies.

The Post has been getting increasingly pc over the past several years, e.g., calling riots "demonstrations" or "protests," and assaults on police by rioters "clashes."

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