Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Now Here's Some Official Crime Stats that Very Few People Have Ever Wondered about

By Merlin
Sun, Oct 25, 2020 10:11 p.m.

Now Here's Some Official Crime Stats that Very Few People Have Ever Wondered about

Perhaps Confederate statues in front of government buildings need to replaced with statues depicting raped, robbed, shot, stabbed and beat-up Asian shopkeepers, restauranteurs, dry cleaners and nail salon operators.

Feds: In 2018, Blacks Violently Victimized Asians 275+ Times as Often as Asians Violently Victimized Blacks

As well as collecting crime statistics from local law enforcement agencies, the federal government's National Crime Victimization Survey annually interviews 160,000 individuals about their experience, if any, with being the victim of a crime over the last year.

One of the more astonishing results in recent years has been that in 2018, black victims of "violent incidents" reported in the survey that less than 0.1% of their victimizers were Asian. In contrast, Asian victims of violent incidents reported that 27.5% of their victimizers were black, for a black-Asian interracial violence ratio of over 275 to one.

From the Bureau of Justice Statistics' publication Criminal Victimization, 2018:
Criminal Victimization, 2018
Bureau of Justice Statistics
Rachel E. Morgan and Barbara A. Oudekerk

Offender race/ethnicity
Victim race/ethnicityNumber of violent incidentsTotalWhiteBlackHispanicAsianOtherMultiple offenders of various races
White 3,581,360100%62.1%15.3%10.2%2.6%8.1%2.1%
Black 563,940100%10.6%70.3%7.9%0.1%9.3%1.9%
Hispanic 734,410100%28.2%15.3%45.4%0.6%7.4%3.0%
Asian 182,230100%24.1%27.5%7.0%24.1%14.4%

Note that the BJS warned that the cell showing that less than 0.1% of victimizers of blacks were reported by blacks to be Asian:
! Interpret with caution. Estimate is based on 10 or fewer sample cases, or coefficient of variation is greater than 50%.
If you don't believe me, here's the screenshot:
For the next report, Criminal Victimization, 2019, the feds solved their small sample size / embarrassing results problem by simply dropping Asians from the left-handed column of victims:

Problem solved!
Clearly, the highest priority of the federal government must be to make Ibram X. Kendi's career smoother for him.


  1. Right,but who's counting?Besides who you just listed.

  2. For the life of me I cannot even imagine of an oriental attacking a negro.
