Wednesday, October 07, 2020

Anti-Racism "education" in Evanston, Illinois

By "W"
Wed, Oct 7, 2020 3:18 p.m.

My Original Hometown: Anti-Racism "education" in Evanston, Illinois

I was born in Evanston, just a block or so from the Northwestern campus, where my Dad's father had been a music professor. Evanston used to be a bedrock of the GOP. Many of the streets there are named after Union officers and politicians. Phillip Crane was their long-time Representative in Congress. It was also the headquarters of the Women's Christian Temperance Union.

But school integration forced Whites to flee. My folks moved us to Lake Forest, where there were essentially no blacks.

The city has gone Left and impossible demands are being made to "close the gap" between White and Asian students vs. blacks and latinos. The new black school supt. looks like an angry man who can't look in the mirror and admit the problem with blacks is their lack of intelligence and high-strung temperament.



  1. "He also said that a disproportionate number of Black and Latino students are struggling in school and it is that struggle—not their race—which will get them priority."
    GRA:What a coincidence..
    So there's Affirmative Action with jobs and now Affirmative Action in school.Yes,Whites are in big trouble.
    The question is,who appointed this anti-White "scholar" as a school administrator--who is now deciding,that everything which goes against the benefit of Whites is non-racist.
    Sez who?Not Whitey.
    Just the start of the fun.

  2. It's getting to the point that this country isn't big enough for both blacks and Whites to live in anymore.Someone has to go.

  3. University and college town tend to be quite liberal.
