Thursday, October 29, 2020

Get a Sneak Peek at Joe Biden’s Inaugural Address!

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

Ann Coulter: "Ask Not What Your Country Is": The Biden Inaugural Address
By Ann Coulter
October 28, 2020

I’m not at liberty to reveal my sources, but I have obtained a draft of President Joe Biden’s inaugural address. (Trump, unfortunately, won’t be there to hear it. He will be holding a competing rally at RFK Stadium, also starting at 12 noon on Jan. 20.)


Ladies and gentlemen, members of the fairer sex, the unfair sex, the transgenders, queers, what have you.

Women and gentlemen!

I’ve known women—my wife, my sister—no, that’s my wife! I mean my wife over here. The fat one.

I mean: The fact is, they switched on me!

Anyway, standing here today on the steps of the capitol of Wilmington—I should say, standing here today on the steps of the Capitol in the state of Washington, as we do every year, we have this peaceful transfer of power—I should say, every four years.

Which is a Big F—ing Deal! I used to say that to Barack all the time.

I see him out there! He’s the articulate, bright and clean one.

As I was coming over here on this brisk June day, I started thinking, why is it that Joe Biden is the first in his family ever to go to a university? My ancestors, Welsh coal miners, would come up after 12 hours underground and play cricket for hours. Were they not smart? Were they not strong, mate?

And so, as I look out at this wonderful crowd—what’s that from the fella in the back? You say I’m not Welsh and my father was a Chevrolet dealer in Wilmington?

Listen, you lying dog-faced pony soldier—I have a much higher I.Q. than you do! I went to law school on a full academic scholarship and ended up in the top half of my class. I got three degrees in college and was voted the “outstanding student” in the political science department.

What I mean to say is that it was a financial scholarship, I wasn’t voted the “outstanding student,” and I was only in the top half of the bottom 10 students.

No, I haven’t taken an I.Q. test. Why the hell would I take a test? Come on, man. That is like saying you—did you take a test whether you’re taking cocaine or not? What do you think? Are you a junkie?

Look, folks, kids today have advantages I didn’t have. Their parents play the radio, make sure they have the record player on at night. My parents couldn’t play the record player. They were in the mines.

And I remember my pop, a Chevrolet dealer in Wilmington, telling me in 1962, as I was going off to work at an African American swimming pool—we called them “African Americans” back then—and we saw two guys kissing each other. He said to me: “Joey, they love each other.”

I shouldn’t say it. I’m going to say something I probably shouldn’t say …

Anyway, today, I stand before you to announce my candidacy for president of the United States!

Wait—I won! That’s a Big F—ing Deal, as I used to say to Barack.

Oh look! Here’s the guy from Burisma! Good to see you, man! Look, the Biden administration will be monitoring Kiev prosecutors like you’ve never seen before. Clean government in Ukraine will be the No. 1 priority of my administration. When I’m president, this country won’t be cozying up to the totalitarian regimes of Poland and Hungary. It’s gonna stop with us.

I shouldn’t say it. I’m going to say something I probably shouldn’t say …

Anyway, on this crisp September day, I vow to you we’ll not only have a Green New Deal, but a Purple New Deal, a Yellow New Deal, a LBGTQXYZ New Deal—a whole rainbow of New Deals!

You have my word as a Biden, folks.

Anyway, as I stand here in the rotunda—I mean the steps of the Capitol—just as the great Democratic president Franklin Delano … uh, I should say, as FDR did—well, he wasn’t standing because he couldn’t stand.

And to all of you in wheelchairs, you don’t need to stand either! Oh, God love you! What am I talking about? I’ll tell you what, we’re making everybody else stand up, though. Let’s give the wheelchair-bound a big round of applause!

Look folks, as FDR said, we hold these truths to be self-evident … You bet and corn pop. Pop goes the weasel! And I’m your pop, as I always say to Hunter. I’m your pop, but I’m not a weasel, pal.

As we celebrate this peaceful transition—oh, I see Adam Schiff out in the crowd! As I always say, he reminds me of my son, Hunter.

Whoa—I almost forgot, let’s give a big hand to my vice president … Anita Hill!

What am I talking about? Anita ain’t black!

Everybody give a big hand to my vice president … Cardi B!

Oh sorry, buddy—my vice president, Al Sharpton!

But I promise you, Cardi and Anita and Al and Stacey and Jesse will all have positions in my Cabinet.

That’s cabinet, not cabin, folks. Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote “Uncle Tom’s Cabin,” and, as she always said: “We hold these truths to be self-evident.” I know this because I got three degrees in college and was voted the “outstanding student” in the political science department.

I should say, I wasn’t actually voted the “outstanding student,” but it was an honor just to be nominated.

Anyway, I never served with John F. Kennedy—but he was no Dan Quayle! He said, “Ask your country to do things for you. Ask or not! The choice is yours.”

I’m pro-choice, although I’m personally opposed. But the important thing is, it’s your choice!

And so as I stand here today, asking for your vote—hold on!—you gave me your vote! That’s why I’m here, man!

This is a Big F—ing Deal, as I used to always say to Barack. Good night and God bless. Wear a mask!  



  1. Not really satire--no exaggeration needed.

    (NWO Report)
    Barack Obama has been caught on video at the Bilderberg Conference saying that "ordinary Americans" must "surrender to the New World Order".

    Former Fake president Barack Obama has been caught on video at the shadowy Bilderberg Conference saying that “ordinary Americans” must “surrender to the New World Order” because they are “too small-minded to govern their own affairs.“

    During his top-secret speech at the Bilderberg Conference held in Turin, Italy this week, Obama described the New World Order as an “international order we have worked for generations to build,” before concluding that “progress can only come when individuals surrender their rights to an all-powerful sovereign [the New World Order.]“

    This is Obama as most have never seen him before, speaking candidly before his elite globalist peers, completely unaware that his words may one day be disseminated to a wider audience of “ordinary Americans.”

    The secretive annual Bilderberg Conference, attended by the world’s liberal elite, is always protected by anti-terror police, military and a no-fly zone. All media is strictly banned and reporting on what goes on inside the tightly controlled venue has proven impossible during the 64-year history of the world’s most elite secret society.

    However this year, one brave Bilderberg attendee, who wishes to remain anonymous for the sake of their safety, managed to covertly record segments of Barack Obama’s highly disturbing behind-closed-doors speech, and the resulting footage has the potential to open everybody’s eyes to what is really happening.
    GRA:I ran into this somehow,and thought I'd post it.This is exactly the mindset of Dems/Commies like Biden/Harris.
