Thursday, October 08, 2020

Business Groups Support Diversity Brainwashing

By "W"
Thu, Oct 8, 2020 12:29 p.m.

Today's Wall Street Journal," White House Diversity Order Spurs Pushback by Business"

Recall how decades ago, big biz got after the Gov. of Arizona, Evan Mecham, for not endorsing the MLK Jr. Holiday, as I recall. Then the Confederate flag, now supporting anti-White Diversity Training. N.S.: This reminds me of how years ago, every time there was a Supreme Court case on affirmative action, Fortune 500 companies would submit lie-filled amicus briefs written by diversity consultants, about how they couldn't do business in a globalist world, without hiring intellectually incompetent, morally unfit blacks, and cheating competent, splendid White men out of jobs.

However, it's gotten much worse. Billion-dollar companies, like McKinsey, are now publishing lie-filled manifestoes in support of "reparations" for blacks.


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