Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Breaking News Alert: blm thugs are Rioting in D.C., but the msm Refuse to Report on It—We Have to Rely Instead on Vladimir Putin for Crucial, Breaking American News!

By “W”
Tue, Oct 27, 2020 10:18 p.m.

BLM Rioters in DC Right Now?

“W”: A few minutes ago, breaking Sputnik News popped up on the PC, while I was watching a concert video of the Schumann piano concerto by the Belgorod State Symphony Orchestra, reporting that DC police have deployed and fired tear gas and riot grenades at blm thugs protesting the death of a local nog on a scooter:


I just went to the websites of the local Fox5dc.com and WJLA.com (ABC) and there isn’t a hint of any such events taking place now. So, are the Russians making it all up?

N.S.: It’s more likely that the Russians are reporting on true events, and the media outlets “W” cited are covering up the violence, than that the Russkies are making it up.

That’s the pass we’ve come to, when we need to rely on distant foreigners who, according to the American msm, are our mortal enemies, for news. I recall the first time “W” sent me a story from Russia Today, he asked if we should even be running stuff from Putin’s outlet. Although I didn’t respond at the time, I recall thinking, “I sometimes run material from the New York Times, and Putin can’t be less reliable than them.”

In reality, I only run excerpts and links to the Times these days, in order to mock the Old Grey Whore. Putin has proved much more reliable.

Schumann - Piano Concerto, op.54. Vanessa Benelli Mosell, Performing
•Jan 2, 2017




  1. I found Australian Sky News on YouTube to be pretty impartial.The reporters are usually incredulous that someone like Biden could actually win this election.They sent me a notification once and I checked it out.I remember when our news used to be like that.

    I have to assume that if Biden(and eventually Harris)get into the White House,the cloak of censorship,that is so damn obvious by national networks about reporting black crime,will go to the next level--local news.

    blacks and White liberals in government will issue informal orders to hide gang murders,shootings or other heinous crimes from the public,committed by blacks.

    Only good news will be allowed on-air about blacks--like Lesta presents it now.All you'll have to do as White citizens is ignore the occasional gunfire down your block and the ambulance sirens wailing shortly afterwards.It will all be your imagination--according to your local news.

  2. Funny line about these riots,someone called them Biden/Harris campaign rallies.

  3. One of these days the BLM with the anarchists is going to rush the White House and lethal force will be used.
