Friday, October 30, 2020

And You Thought that All Those Pervert Priests were Whiteys?

By Jerry PDX
Friday, October 16, 2020 at 3:36:00 P.M. EDT

E.D. Mondaine is the local NAACP President, who also happens to be a “reverend,” kind of our own local Al Sharpton, back when he was still roly poly. He’s been accused of sexual misconduct by multiple males, no details about their ages, though, so maybe they weren’t underage.

I don’t care, though, if you’re hitting on guys, in my book that makes you perverted. I think they’re withholding as much info as possible, due to his race. If it were a white man they’d be looking to assassinate his reputation as much as possible. He’s the go-to guy for the media, when they want to make whitey feel guilty about anything and everything.

N.S.: Sorry about the delay, Jerry. I saw this item when you initially posted it, only to get distracted and forget it.



  1. We had an NAACP "pastor" in West Michigan arrested for sex crimes with minors.I'd wager most black pastors are criminals with their church's money and church members sexually.Now Catholic priests--that's a different gay animal altogether.

  2. jerry pdx
    Update: "Rev" Mondaine has subsequently resigned from the NAACP, though no word on if he's giving up his frock, he must be one of those denominations that doesn't think homosexuality is a sin. Don't know who will take his place when the media needs a black community spokesperson for our daily guilt infusions.

  3. All blacks are reverend, minister, deacon, doctor, professor.They all are. I almost forgot pastor.
