Saturday, October 31, 2020

Amish Gone Wild: Car Chase Ends in Parking Lot Gunfight, Leaving One Dead; Media Meticulously Describe the Colors of the Cars Involved

By A Texas Reader
Sat, Oct 31, 2020 9:37 p.m.

The driver of the Mustang, the 23-year-old man, cut off the driver of the black vehicle, got out of his car and starting shooting, according to police. The driver of the black vehicle got out of his car and returned fire, officials said. Police said the

ATR: Amish gone wild.


1 comment:

  1. There must be some faulty eyewitness descriptions of the vehicles.Sure,it's the damn Amish--we know that--but the vehicles those violent bearded types hopped out of,to start shooting each other from,HAD to have been horses and buggies--not cars.

    From the many reports police receive nationwide,the average violent,Amish incident goes like this: One buggy will cut in front of another,both yokels lose their temper(they do that at the drop of a farm hat),then they pull out AK-47s.The horses hear the gunshots,leave a pile of sh*t in the road and run away.It happens all the time in Baltimore and Chicago,Detroit,Houston and Grand Rapids--there's sh*t everywhere--and the city has to clean it up,paying time and a half.The Amish are also well known for drive-bys.For no reason,that police can determine,an Amish thug will pull up to a random house and open fire--then drive off.The vics can always tell its safe to come out of their houses after a drive-by:
    1)when they hear the horses trot away and 2)they look out the window and see horse crap steaming in the road.
    That's the "all clear" in the Amish ghetto.Of course if you hear hoof beats approaching,run for cover--that's a warning of imminent gunfire.
    Damn Amish--they've ruined everything.
