Sunday, September 27, 2020

Bird Blenders Bad Business, but Great Corporate Welfare!

Bird Blenders Bad Business
By Jesse Mossman
Sun, Sep 27, 2020 3:33 p.m.

“Like a stick in the eye, bird blenders in the sky.” But even if you don’t care about all the birds and bats broken up by these eye sores.

Jonathan Lessor at Real Clear Energy writes:

“For an American working class ravaged by Covid-19’s economic destruction, the promise of tens of thousands of new, high-paying jobs in the offshore wind industry sounds like welcome news. Sadly, however, the economic benefits of job creation will be more than offset by increased energy prices and decreased growth—adding up to, dare I say it, so much hot air.

“Seven Atlantic Coast states—Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Rhode Island, Connecticut, and Virginia—have enacted mandates to subsidize development of thousands of megawatts of offshore wind turbines.

“...the Rhode Island legislature forced it to accept the contract terms—$244 per MWh in 2016, when the project first began generating electricity, escalating at 3.5% per year. By comparison, the average wholesale price of electricity in New England in 2019 was less than $31/MWh.

“Do offshore wind advocates truly think the post-Covid working class won’t feel a pricing difference of that magnitude in their day-to-day business operations and lives?”


1 comment:

  1. Sea birds already in big trouble. Migrating birds flying the Atlantic flyway beware.
