Sunday, September 27, 2020

3 Dead in Drunk-Driving Accident in Dallas

By A Texas Reader
Sun, Sep 27, 2020 11:46 a.m.

3 Dead in Drunk-Driving Accident in Dallas

ATR: Go to the photo showing the rear of the car involved in the accident.

Paper license plates.

You know what that means.

Knee Grows.


  1. jerry pdx
    So where does Amy Barrett stand on the most important issue of immigration? Her record on rulings is pretty sparse, only a couple of minor cases, but she did rule on the conservative side:
    She and her husband did adopt two black children from Haiti, a boy and a girl, both of whom had some kind of early developmental issues, the girl is older and seems to have turned out OK, the boy is still pretty young. Does this mean she's going to be conservative on everything except immigration? We have no guarantees she's going to be on the right side here, for all we know, she secretly supports the globalist diversity agenda and is going to screw us. Even with her conservative background, those two black kids and her limited history of immigration rulings has me nervous about her.

  2. "Does this mean she's going to be conservative on everything except immigration? "

    Legally, orderly, peace-fully.
