Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Mets Lose First Triple-Header Ever Played—Losing Streak (and Managers) at 21

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Friday, April 24, 2020 at 10:14:00 P.M. EDT

Mets Diary:

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

The resumption of Tuesday night’s historic 36-inning game, suspended by fog, was unceremoniously rained out this evening, as was the regularly scheduled game, to be played afterwards.

The Mets then announced the first tripleheader in history would be played on Thursday afternoon, after clearance was granted by the players’ union.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Before the start of the suspended game, Danny Devito and Arnold Schwarzenegger’s uniforms were switched accidently, and Devito waddled out to home plate in an unrecognizable pile of oversized Mets’ pinstripes and a cap three sizes too large.

Schwarzenegger attempted to jump the dugout steps in Devito’s midget-sized clothing and tore HIS Mets’ attire where the sun doesn’t shine.

By the time Ahhnold found a properly fitting uniform and returned to the dugout, the game was over and the “Twins” co-stars were fired.

For the record, the first pitch delivered by former Yankee setup man Dellin Betances to Josh Bell wound up in the same area as Ron Cey’s memorably exhilarating, game-tying blast two days prior—final score: Pittsburgh 3, Mets 2.

GM Brodie Van Wagenen rushed in to announce the new manager would be Rita Moreno, from West Side Story fame—with Devito’s crotch torn uniform quickly sewn up and given for Moreno to wear.

Moreno, upon seeing all the Hispanic players in the clubhouse, said she thought she “was back at a West Side Story rehearsal again.”

Game two was a blowout. Moreno named Pete Alonso as her starting pitcher, and the rest of the lineup was just as bizarrely constructed:

1. Dellin Betances 1B
2. Jeff McNeil C
3. Pete Alonso P
4. Michael Conforto SS
5. Robinson Cano RF
6. J.D. Davis CF
7. Wilson Ramos 3B
8. Amed Rosario LF
9. Brandon Nimmo 2B

Moreno was fired after the third inning, with the Mets down 62-0. Pete Alonso was rehired for the rest of the game as interim manager. Final score: Pittsburgh 66 Mets 3.

Ernie Banks once said, “Let’s play TWO”—he never said, “Let’s play THREE”—for good reason.

Final score (with new manager Billy Crystal): Pittsburgh 13, Mets 1.

Quote: “You didn’t think a lifelong Yankee fan like myself, when given an opportunity like this one, would try to manage the Mets to a win, did you? Mission accomplished.”

The Mets dropped to 0-21, within view of the longest losing streak in baseball history.

N.S.: Sorry about that, GRA. I saw this when you posted it, but somehow forgot about it.


  1. jerry pdx
    I spotted this article online and it occurred to me that I have no idea what kind of politics Denzel Washington has, this incident with Katie Couric some years ago gives you a sense that he's a no nonsense kind of guy though:
    I love his reaction to her leading questions though, Couric prefaced her interview you "you Hollywood types" or "Hollywood people", playing the old game of establishing a false presumption based on generalization, and Denzel just wasn't having it.

    According to some news reports, Washington is a Trump supporter, but is he? according to Snopes it's a fake story:

    Then I found this interesting interview on Youtube. Check out the self hating white (sounds French) interviewer bait..bait...bait but Denzel refuses to go for it and instead reinforces the idea of personal responsibility:

    He's still an enigma as far as his politics go, I can't recall him being openly anti white unlike many racist black celebs, he is reportedly a Christian but like his politics, isn't very outspoken about it. He's also one of the few black male celebs who married a black woman, who isn't noticeably lighter skinned than he is, and hasn't dumped her for a white woman, or openly cheated on her relentlessly behind her back with white women. Here is an interview with his wife where a white "reporter" tries to pin him down on whether he supports Obama or Trump but Washington won't commit:

    Some of the hyper praise liberal whites and racist blacks have heaped on Washington seems to have died down over the years, for a while they wanted to dub him "the greatest actor in our generation", but I don't hear that anymore. I suspect because he wouldn't play the "we're all victims of whitey's racism" game with the media and instead reinforced ideas of personal responsibility and accountability. That's just not acceptable.

  2. No problem.After the Lasorda/Cey classic,any other Mets'game would be hard to

    Mets GM Brodie Van Wagonen,trying anything and everything to secure a win on the first big road trip of the season,went back to 1969 to come up with his latest manager--old #21--Cleon Jones,after Billy Crystal's exit,following game three of a disastrous triple header loss to the Pittsburgh Pirates.
    Jones,now 77,was asked how he got the job.
    "Well,here's how it went.The boss called me up and said,'I need someone from the Miracle Mets of 1969 to manage this here team and everyone I called is either dead,said no way,or couldn't hear him on the phone.So that's how I got the job."
    As Jones entered the clubhouse to meet his players,he reportedly said,"what the hell is this--"West Side Story"? (referring to the high number of Hispanics on the team).
    "Where's all the brothas?Back in MY day,we had Agee,Clendenon,Ed Charles,myself...these days--not a black man in sight."
    Or a miracle in sight either,as The Mets continued to play like 1962--not 1969.
    Jacob deGrom,apparently still not recovered from his opening day near perfect game--in which he had a huge lead in the ninth inning,before a blister forced him to leave the game and the relief corps turned the contest into an impossible loss--was wild from the get-go.
    "I couldn't get a good grip on the ball in the high air tonight,"deGrom shrugged.
    Colorado starter Jon Gray had no such trouble,twirling a one hit masterpiece,in a 13-0 shutout,that lasted a little over 2 1/2 hours,the only safety,a double in the 7th inning by Pete Alonso--as the Mets dropped to 0-22.
    The game ended at 1230 am CST and Jones was relieved of his duties at 1231 am CST.
    Van Wagenen,still thinking,his theory of staying with players from Mets' history is the correct move for right now,talked former left handed starterJerry Koosman into managing the next game.
    "Maybe a lefty will bring us some luck,"Van Wagenen remarked with eyes rolling.

  4. Editing correction:
    "Well,here's how it went.The boss called me up and said,'I need someone from the Miracle Mets of 1969 to manage this here team and everyone I called is either dead,said no way,or couldn't hear me on the phone.'So that's how I got the job."

  5. Corrected version:

    Mets GM Brodie Van Wagonen,trying anything and everything to secure a win on the first big road trip of the season,went back to 1969 to come up with his latest manager--old #21--Cleon Jones,after Billy Crystal's exit,following game three of a disastrous triple header loss to the Pittsburgh Pirates.

    Jones,now 77,was asked how he got the job.

    "Well,here's how it went.The boss called me up and said,'I need someone from the Miracle Mets of 1969 to manage this here team and everyone I called is either dead,said no way,or couldn't hear me on the phone.'So that's how I got the job."

    As Jones entered the clubhouse to meet his players,he reportedly said,"what the hell is this--"West Side Story"? (referring to the high number of Hispanics on the team).

    "Where's all the brothas?Back in MY day,we had Agee,Clendenon,Ed Charles,myself...these days--not a black man in sight."

    Or a miracle in sight either,as The Mets continued to play like 1962--not 1969.

    Jacob deGrom,apparently still not recovered from his opening day near perfect game--in which he had a huge lead in the ninth inning,before a blister forced him to leave the game and the relief corps turned the contest into an impossible loss--was wild from the get-go.
    "I couldn't get a good grip on the ball in the high air tonight,"deGrom shrugged.

    Colorado starter Jon Gray had no such trouble,twirling a one hit masterpiece,in a 13-0 shutout,that lasted a little over 2 1/2 hours,the only safety,a double in the 7th inning by Pete Alonso--as the Mets dropped to 0-22.
    The game ended at 1230 am CST and Jones was relieved of his duties at 1231 am CST.

    Van Wagenen,still thinking,his theory of staying with players from Mets history is the correct move for right now,talked former left handed starterJerry Koosman into managing the next game.

    "Maybe a lefty will bring us some luck,"Van Wagenen remarked with eyes rolling.
