Thursday, April 30, 2020

Bill de Blasio isn’t an Anti-Semite but...He is an Idiot

-----Original Message-----
From: The Spectator US <>
Sent: Thu, Apr 30, 2020 6:59 a.m.
Bill de Blasio isn't an anti-Semite [he isn't?!] but...he is an idiot

Bill de Blasio isn't an anti-Semite but...he is an idiot

Why the Justin Amash candidacy mattersThe Michigan congressmen offers a striking contrast to the incumbent and his Democratic challenger
By Nick Gillespie

Bill de Blasio isn't an anti-Semite but…...he is an idiot

[N.S.: He's an anti-Semite and a genocidal racist.]

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    (FOXNEWS)WASHINGTON — The first major third-party candidate is emerging in the contest between President Donald Trump and presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden.

    Michigan congressman Justin Amash wants to seek the White House as a Libertarian after switching from Republican to independent last July 4 and voting in favor of Trump’s impeachment.

    Recent Stories from

    That has roiled conservative “Never Trumpers” whose ranks have dwindled since 2016 but who nonetheless fear that any serious alternative could shift the support of wary Republicans away from Biden and help ensure that the president secures a second term.

    Having Amash in the race could also force Biden to place extra emphasis on key battleground Michigan.
    GRA:This is from MY district.I haven't voted for him because it appeared everything he's ever said,has been to set himself up as an independent presidential candidate all along.I don't believe him and don't trust him.After that--nothing else matters.

  2. Maybe he IS an anti-Semite. I am sure he loves Arabs and Muslims however.
