Thursday, March 26, 2020

Study on New Coronavirus Says Warmer Weather May Slow COVID-19 Spread, and Cooler Weather May Accelerate It

By R.C.
Thu, Mar 26, 2020 9:55 p.m.

"Study on New Coronavirus Says Warmer Weather May Slow COVID-19 Spread, and Cooler Weather May Accelerate It."

R.C.: Interesting.

The majority of the cases in Italy are from the far north of Italy. Photos and videos of Bergamo show evergreen trees all over the city.

I am familiar with northern Italy, as I went skiing in Cervinia many, many years ago.

Northern Italy is the most affluent part of the country.

So, why no mention of the “pandemic” in Naples, which is in southern Italy, a not-so-wealthy area dominated by the Mob?

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