Saturday, February 22, 2020

Witty Convict and Jailhouse Killer Writes, “In for a penny, in for a pound.”

By R.C.
Sat, Feb 22, 2020 11:27 p.m.

Watson said he then left the housing pod to find a guard and turn himself in, but on the way, he saw "a known child trafficker, and I figured I'd just do everybody a favor," Watson wrote. "In for a penny, in for a pound."

R.C.: Pretty witty for a murderer.

1 comment:

  1. jerry pdx
    The child molester was undoubtedly a white man. Not saying that because "all child molesters" are white but because they are the only ones that get attacked and killed in prison. Latino ones, who are the most highly represented per capita, are protected by latino gangs who believe it's OK to have sex with children, black child molesters all claim to have been "pimpin' the lil' ho's" so then it be cool with the brothas. That leaves the white ones who get targeted not only by their own race but hypocritically by blacks and Mexicans also. Not that I feel sorry for them, I don't, I just think that black and Mexicans child molesters should be treated the same but prison race hypocrisy is the same we see outside the walls.
