Sunday, February 16, 2020

The Tessa Majors Murder and the Rule of Crime in Communist Bill de Blasio’s New York: My New VDARE Report is Up!

By Nicholas Stix

Tessa Majors’ Murder Just Tip of New York City’s Crime Iceberg

At long last, Rashaun Weaver has been arrested for the murder of Barnard College student Tessa Majors back on December 11 2019. Remember, the police had Weaver in custody but let him go [14-Year-Old Is Released Without Charges in Tessa Majors Case, by Edgar Sandoval, New York Times, December 26, 2019]. A second suspect, Zyairr Davis, 13, had already been charged—but in Family Court [Judge sets murder trial date for teen boy in Tessa Majors stabbing death, by Anthony M. DeStefano, Newsday, January 2, 2020]. A third suspect, also questioned but also released, is still free. This agonizing pace is the direct result of the race-whipped pro-crime policies of New York City Mayor Bill DiBlasio, which I predict may yet succeed in denying Majors justice. And it’s the tip of the iceberg: soon it will not be possible to disguise that we’re headed back headed back to the high-crime era of 1980s.

In Majors’ case , the New York City Police Department also did its part. Tellingly, as with the Knoxville Horror, de-policing had let Davis’ gang of muggers run amok in the area until they murdered her….

[Read the whole thing here.]


  1. Excellent report on FakeStats. They make announcements like "murder and robberies are up but crime overall is down."

  2. Excellent report N.S.
    Two comments:
    Personally,I haven't heard one follow-up story about Tessa Majors--on the national,pro-negro media networks at all.Maybe I blinked at the wrong moment.The n-loving media is burying this story deeper than Tessa's remains were,after her murder.
    Second,I'm wondering if part of the "decline" in crime can be attributed to the decriminalization/legalization of drugs.That would be my theory and it would seem to make sense.Thousands of drug related arrests are unnecessary these days--thanks to the relaxing of previous drug statutes.Imagine if assaults,rapes and murders by minorities were deemed non grata by legislatures,how great the crime rate would be.Why all these black police chiefs and mayors could concentrate on arresting white people and sending them to prison.
    They're working on it,I'm sure,in their own deceitfully,diabolical,twisted liberal minds.What better way to appease blacks and get more whites killed off?Can you imagine the type of legislation--as more blacks make it into positions of decision-making--NOTHING WILL BE DEEMED CRIMINAL--for THEM.
    Whitey however,will be in big trouble.

  3. Lesbian slut gets diversified by niglets. And we are supposed to care? She was an indecent woman and a typical SJW. No matter what the loser white knights have to say, she would have merely become another enemy of the race, and society as well. She was just another SJW sacrificed to the cause. There will be many more, because these 'people' are pawns of the MSM jews that seek to decimate the white race and increase the chaos till we all live in a turd world shit hole, with the mighty and powerful laughing from their walled palaces. Without these 'elites' the crime problem would disappear tomorrow. The SJW is just the latest self-destructive cult that seems the product of Jewish thought. Been going on for 2000 years, and Goyim Little continually falls for it.

  4. So how do we "get rid" of the elites?A general civil war?Small concentrated attacks will never work--too much military--unless the miltary on our soil backs the white citizens,
