Friday, February 28, 2020

The New York Times’ Childish Logic (The Hate Crime Murder of Tessa Majors)

By David in TN

This is a cogent refutation of the New York Times’ editorial calling for trying the “children” charged with murdering Tessa Majors in Family Court: “...the Times uses the teens’ first names—‘Rashaun stabbed Ms. Majors as Luchiano restrained her’—perhaps to demonstrate their childishness.”

At City Journal.


  1. Many blacks are sociopaths;sociopaths show their tendencies at an early age;sociopaths don't change---therefore black sociopaths,in their early teens,will not change.
    Letting sociopathic blacks serve four years in juvie--and then setting them free at age 18--is releasing a probable killer.
    I did some research on the sociopathic condition years ago.It's a mostly inherited condition with additional variable factors.The first signs of sociopathy are observed in the early teens and get worse.
    The #1 sign of a sociopath is a failure to understand that there are consequences for criminal activity.Other easy signs are constant lying,petty theft,drug and alcohol use.
    Then it progresses to major felonies in some instances.
    There's no cure for sociopathy.
    This is another area that I've read,separates blacks and whites--many more black spaths than white ones.

  2. Blacks are fond of describing their youthful offenders as "chirrens". This child, this child, this child. A big strapping seventeen year old thug with a rap sheet is a "chirren".
