Friday, February 14, 2020

Support Lies and Evil, or Support WEJB/NSU--It’s that Simple!

Benjamin David Steele says: • Website
January 21, 2015 at 12:52 p.m. GMT

“I’m surprised that Unz would write such a detailed analysis [on race and crime in America] while being so uninformed about what has already been done in the field. There is already plenty of research that has shown the racial disparities in various social problems disappear when poverty and economic class are controlled for.”

N.S.: “There is already plenty of research that has shown the racial disparities in various social problems disappear when poverty and economic class are controlled for.”

That’s a baldfaced lie.
Benjamin David Steele says: • Website

Show Comment February 14, 2020 at 2:37 p.m. GMT
@Nicholas Stix

“Facts remain true, even when you deny them. There is a vast scientific literature on racial disparities. Read it or don’t. I can’t make you know what you don’t want to know.”

[N.S.: Note that while other commenters had demanded he cite at least something from the “vast scientific literature,” he ignored them, as he ignored the link I provided to “The Color of Crime” (2005), refuting his phony assertion.]

N.S.: No such facts or “scientific literature” exists. Keep on lying, and I’ll keep on calling you on it.

Benjamin David Steele
February 14, 2020 at 4:29 p.m. GMT

“The scientific literature is found in various studies and books. They aren’t hard to find, if you want to find them. I’m not your parent or your teacher. I can’t tell you what to learn. And I’m not going to try to spoonfeed you info. It’s a free country. Read the scientific literature or not. I won’t be offended in either case. I personally find the whole field of study fascinating. But each to their own.”

N.S.: I don’t know who Benjamin David Steele is, and I don’t care.

Steele isn’t talking about “scientific literature,” he’s talking about racial socialist, academic hoaxes.

If memory serves, in 2003, I did a rough check of such numbers. According to numbers that been accepted by Left and Right alike, from I believe, the Marxist D.C. Sentencing Project, 32.1% of black men between 20 and 30 years of age had at least one felony conviction, while the black poverty rate was 24.1%. Meanwhile, I determined that well-to-do blacks’ crime rate was at least as bad as that of poor whites.

Then in 2005, American Renaissance’s Jared Taylor published the second edition of its landmark report, “The Color of Crime,” whose principal author was Ian Jobling. Jobling definitively put the Marxist “poverty causes crime” fairy tale to rest. If anything, he determined that crime causes poverty.

(I read the first, 1999 edition, but can no longer remember it. I can recall the 2005 edition, because I wrote an extensive review of it—the only journalist, to my knowledge who wrote about it at all—and have since re-re-read my review. My VDARE/NPI/American Renaissance colleague, number-cruncher economist Edwin Rubenstein, wrote a third edition a few years ago, but I have yet to read it.)

But under Jim Snow, we have a world of antiversities and the Luegenpresse, in which only lies are permitted on matters of race, ethnicity, sex and sexuality.

But this is not the antiversity or the newsroom. It is an actual place of learning, and of newsgathering and reporting.

Please hit the PayPal “Donate” icon at the top of the page, and make the most generous contribution you can to WEJB/NSU.

I thank you, and your posterity will, too.


Nicholas Stix


  1. "Jobling definitively put the Marxist 'poverty causes crime' fairy tale to rest. If anything, he determined that crime causes poverty."

    A question asked many time by many persons. Are people criminal because they are poor or are people poor because they are criminal. Or is that too simple a question to ask?

  2. jerry pdx
    Yet another in a long line of negro sex perverts doing what the white man doesn't do enough of to satisfy the white male hating media. In this case a woman is suing a spa because of a black serial masturbator who was "furiously" masturbating next to her. He's done it plenty of times before: William Wimberley has racked up 19 counts of public indecency or exposure since 2015.

    A google search of his name reveals his history of public deviant behavior in the progressive paradise & haven for latino/black sex perverts of Portland OR. In this case he ejaculated on a woman in a bookstore:

    Here he exposed himself at a baby store:

    Somehow this piece of filth is still on the streets. He was sentenced to 2.5 yrs. in prison in 2017 but doesn't appear to have learned anything. Supposedly he suffers from low IQ caused by fetal alcohol syndrome. Maybe, but perhaps the low IQ is just due to being a negro:

  3. jerry pdx
    I just have to add this to my previous post about the prodigious black serial masturbator. Seems like black criminals have dominated as the most prolific in just about every crime category, the nost prolific rapists, car thieves and now serial masturbator and shoplifter. Barry Trennel Sanders, 58, proudly calls himself a talented & professional thief, who has been arrested a 100 times in Oregon and has stolen from around a 1,000 stores in Oregon.
    The black population in Portland is around 6% yet every other rapist, sex deviant of some kind, murderer or prolific thief is black. Yet there is no acknowledgment whatsoever of the skewed ratio of black crime. It's just ignored.


  4. “I’m surprised that Unz would write such a detailed analysis [on race and crime in America] while being so uninformed about what has already been done in the field."

    I am not sure what to make of Ron Unz. A Jewish man who devotes a portion of his web site to conspiracy and Holocaust denial advocates.

  5. "Benjamin David Steele". Benjamin David. A dead give-away. Nicholas will understand.
