Saturday, February 15, 2020

Prominent, Black Albuquerque Figure is Suspect in Two Rape Cases

By A Texas Reader

Prominent Albuquerque figure is suspect in two rape cases

ATR: We need to slam shut this Overton window.


  1. Not surprising at all. I've read that all those young black girls aren't getting pregnant from 14-year-old Shitavious, but from adult black male authority figures like ministers, school principals, community leaders, etc. But self-control and morality are not valued highly in blacks--look at the behavior of Martin Luther King, black athletes, and that the majority war babies in Vietnam were fathered by black soldiers.

  2. Many decades ago lived in Albuquerque for about nine months. Hardly ever saw ONE negro. Times have changed and for the worst evidently. They even have a MLKKK Drive in Albuquerque now.
