Friday, February 21, 2020

Journalist Gets Ultimate Honor by Gold Standard

Jared Taylor and his staff have produced a list of the greatest articles of each of American Renaissance’s 30 years in print, and yours truly won for the best article of the year for 2007!

The Best of American Renaissance by Year

“2007: ‘The Knoxville Horror’ by Nicholas Stix. Thorough write-up of one of the most horrific black-on-white crimes in the last quarter century.”

Keep in mind that in those days, Jared published 12 monthly issues jam-packed with brilliant articles and reviews (which also counted in the competition).

Recently, I met an AR staffer socially, who told me that although I’d written only a few articles for the journal/Website, I was one of its most popular writers. That would require that my average number of hits per item was extremely high.

Circa March 14, 2007, Jared contacted me, to ask that I report on the racist atrocity that I would dub the Knoxville Horror for him. My report, which would first appear in a 1,750-word version at AR on May 14, 2007, and then as the 3,500-word cover story of the July, 2007 issue (Jared paid me twice), was the first national report on the carjacking-kidnapping-gang-rape-torture-murders of young, white lovers, Channon Christian, 21, and Christopher Newsom, 23, by five blacks and two other, as yet unidentified men (known only by their respective DNA profiles) that was committed between January 6 and 8th, 2007.

I’ve continued periodically updating the KH case ever since, mostly for Peter Brimelow at VDARE.

Please hit the PayPal “Donate” icon at the top of the page, and make the most generous donation you can to WEJB/NSU.

I thank you, and your posterity will, too.


Nicholas Stix


  1. Don't forget the woman that cooked a "hearty" breakfast for the murderers.

    (FOXNEWS)At a rally in Colorado on Thursday night, President Donald Trump took issue with the Academy Awards for awarding Best Picture to a foreign film.

    "Parasite" won the Oscar for Best Picture earlier this month. Directed by Bong Joon-Ho of South Korea, it was the first South Korean film ever to receive recognition from the Academy. It was also the first Sou foreign-language film ever to win Best Picture.

    "By the way, how bad were the Academy Awards this year? 'And the winner is a movie from South Korea,'" Trump said. "What the hell was that all about?"

    Trump added that he has not watched "Parasite" and asked if it was "any good."

    "I thought it was best foreign film, best foreign movie -- no, it was the best. Did this ever happen before?" Trump said.

    Trump also said that America has "got enough problems with South Korea with trade."

    "On top of that, they give them the best movie of the year?" he said

    Neon, the studio that produced "Parasite," responded to Trump's criticism shortly after the president's speech.

    "Understandable, he can't read," the studio tweeted.
    GRA:That's a funny line,but actually,what Trump is reading are the tea leaves--which he sees as Hollywood giving recognition to a foreign film over an American film.The Oscars have always rewarded AMERICAN filmmaking--foreign films have their own sub-category.It shouldn't have happened.
    Trump has it right again.

  3. jerry pdx
    I just assumed that they gave best picture to Parasite as a way of blunting the inevitable criticism that the awards are "too white". Not quite the same as handing the award to a movie by a black director but they can say: "See, it's not just white movies being recognized!" Of course the blacks were still not content with this, they still complained but it was more of background rumbling this year. Won't matter for next year though, I predict the racist complaints by blacks is going to be ratcheted up because they didn't give every other award to blacks this year. If the Academy doesn't fill the stage with blacks and start handing out awards to black directors and actresses right and left they're going to protest like hell.
