Friday, February 14, 2020

Diversity, Not Killing, is Job One: Air Force Now Allows Turbans, Hijabs, and Beards While in Uniform

By R.C.
Thu, Feb 13, 2020 10:01 p.m.

Air Force updates dress code to allow religious exemption for turbans, hijabs and beards while in uniform


  1. This country is screwed....but I have known that for years

  2. If you come under poison gas attack you cannot get the mask on fast enough with the turban and your mask will not a good seal if you have a beard. Too bad.

  3. I wouldn't trust that Camel-rider for one minute in my platoon.His allegiance to defending American life has got to be questionable--at the least.
    The Muslims here in America are of the mindset of ALL Muslims--which is the goal of replacing Judeo-Christian religions--and taking over as the sole religion.It's happening in Europe.Isn't this obvious?China,for all its flaws,is at least smart enough to know that the Muslims in their country must be contained--and doesn't the MSM howl about that?
    That's why I believe the globalist groups(which include media)are allied with the Muslim religion for an attempt at world domination and control through Islam.
    Lesta Holt has plenty of stories about Muslims,Mex or blacks being "stereotyped" by whites--which he is more than willing to publicize.
    "A Muslim woman was verbally attacked by a white woman for wearing a burqua.'This is America,' said the white woman,'you don't wear that here--go back to the Middle East,if you don't want to look American.'The white woman was arrested for a hate crime."(Hardly ever convicted though--but arrested).
    Mexicans can wave Mexican flags within our cities,blacks can tear down white monuments and replace them with Tubman,King and Douglas--and that's fine.Anything is all right as long as the America that existed for 200 years is debased and diluted.
    Allowing Muslim attire in the military is the next logical step in this progression--approved by the military.
    Where's Trump on this?

  4. I think we need an immigration moratorium. Failing that, at least a ban on Muslims. We would be better off with no Chinese to steal our technology and Indians to colonize us and vote for socialists--as well as run for political office. That said, the British army has a long tradition of using Sikhs in their army with apparent success. At least Sikhs are NOT Muslims.

  5. "I wouldn't trust that Camel-rider for one minute in my platoon. His allegiance to defending American life has got to be questionable--at the least."

    I think the man is a Sikh. Good military tradition. Indeed, an ethnic group that totally embraced the military tradition. But yes, the beard and turban greatly reduce the successful use of a gas mask when under poison gas attack.
