Friday, December 27, 2019

White Radio Talk Show Host Don Imus Dead at 79; He was Berated Nationwide and Eventually Fired for Talking Like a Black Man about Black Women

By A Texas Reader
Fri, Dec 27, 2019 10:33 p.m.

But He was Berated Nationwide and Eventually Fired after Describing the Rutgers Women's College Basketball Team as "nappy headed hos"

ATR: He wasn't being fair to nappy headed hos.

Say, was he the protege of all "aspiring rappers"?

N.S.: Yes.


  1. My view about Don Imus

    (NEWSWEEK)Radio personality Don Imus, host of the syndicated and televised program Imus in the Morning, passed away Friday morning at the age of 79. He had been on the air for 50 years, garnering fans and generating controversy throughout his career.

    Many looked upon Imus as a racist and a homophobe (GRA:This "Newsweek" tactic is nothing more than labeling someone for purposes of laying down guidelines to future censorship and removal) and some of the things he said certainly played into that. His statements about the Rutgers University women's basketball team were enough to get Imus suspended in 2007.

    "That's some rough girls from Rutgers," Imus said. "Some hardcore hos. That's some nappy-headed hos there, I'm going to tell you that." Barack Obama, still a senator from Illinois at the time, called for Imus to be fired over the remarks.

    It wasn't the first time Imus and Obama would butt ideological heads.

    "Nelson Mandela is a leader who Barack Obama should try to emulate," Imus said in 2013. "He could start by spending 27 years in prison."
    GRA:For that statement about Obama alone,Imus should be lauded.
    I'd heard about him on Howard Stern's radio show(nothing good of course--Stern HATED Imus,supposedly),watched him on FOX and enjoyed both "shock jocks" styles--they sounded alike--the difference was the level and type of humor.
    I was talking with someone today about censorship and who is deciding what can be said without retribution.
    In the early 70s,what was censored were the "7 dirty words",but racial jokes abounded--in both directions.Rickles was the best at giving the blacks the business:"Yeah,I'm down here performing,while 3 blacks dudes are in my hotel room,taking everything I have."
    He'd look at Sammy Davis Jr,Redd Foxx,Nipsey Russell and tell shoeshine jokes or promise them "an extra dollar tonight for you if you get my luggage to the cab in one piece."
    Redd Foxx on "Sanford and Son" had a famous quote about whites:"There ain't nothin' uglier than an 85 year old white woman."
    Richard Pryor and Eddie Murphy both did racist material--no problem.

    When Don Imus made his comment about "nappy headed hos"--and was suspended for it,this,along with the Michael Richards incident,turned the censorship tables around on whites.SJW's grabbed their little video cameras and made it their mission to "catch" racist dialogue--and force repercussions.
    In the meantime,the "7 dirty words"--previously banned--were now accepted and used extensively in theatrical movies and cable TV shows.Dirty words were no longer considered offensive.
    But white people talking was.
    In a coup de grace of censorship reversals,whites became constantly bashed for "white privilege","white supremacy",or being "racists"(for supporting Trump,calling the police on blacks,talking about black crime etc).
    Michael Moore said yesterday that "whites are bad people.If you see 3 of them walking down the sidewalk--cross the street--because 2 of them are Trump voters."
    I'd cross the street upon seeing Moore coming at me--the obese bastard might trip and fall on ME--causing severe injury or worse.
    In my perfect world,Don Imus would have said what he wanted about black women hoops players,just as Pryor or Foxx spoke about whites-WITHOUT being suspended.
    If there's an audience that wants to hear certain differing viewpoints--let them hear it.Otherwise we will get to the point where generic conversation rules and becomes too bland to be interesting--except to those with an agenda of globalism and killing off whitey.
    We not only need more Imuses now--but more importantly--people who will defend the new Imus' right to say WHATEVER they want--without fear of reprisal.

  2. Michael Moore: "White People Are Not Good People...You Should Be Afraid Of Them"

    Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News,

    Film maker Michael Moore told Rolling Stone “white people are not good people” and that “you should be afraid of white people.”

    During an interview on the ‘Useful Idiot’ podcast, Moore said that people should cross the street if they see three white men approaching them because at least two voted for Trump.

    “Two-thirds of all white guys voted for Trump. That means anytime you see three white guys walking at you, down the street toward you, two of them voted for Trump. You need to move over to the other sidewalk because these are not good people that are walking toward you. You should be afraid of them,” Moore warned.

    “I refuse to participate in post-racial America,” he added.

    “I refuse to say because we elected Obama that suddenly that means everything is okay, white people have changed. White people have not changed.”
    (GRA:Isn't he white?)

    Perhaps Moore might want to check FBI homicide statistics and then revisit his statement.

    This is by no means the first time that the rotund film maker has collectively demonized an entire group of people based on their skin color.

    Last year, he called on “angry white American guys” to “give it up” because they are demographically doomed.

    Back in January 2018, he asserted that America needed to be “cleansed” of its white privilege.

    He also previously celebrated the fact that that white men are “dying out” because America “will be a better country.”

    Remember back in the 90’s, when Moore used to stick up for the interests of white working class people?

    Now he’s part of the Democratic elite, he denigrates and insults them every chance he gets.

    What a racist piece of shit.
    GRA:What kind of sick fu*k would be happy to see their own race disappear?The psychiatric profession will have to add to the LGTBQ nutcase group with another category:maso-racist--a hater of one's own race and people.

  3. Al Sharpton I hope you are happy you bastard.

  4. 'GRA' - let me simplify the matter for you.
    No one gives a shit what Michael Moore has to say - about anything: this is even true among a high percentage of those on the Left.
    No real American has listened to a damn thing this fucktard has said for the last ~ 20 yrs.
    He's a repugnant, grotesque gasbag - some vague facsimile of a human being.
    He gives about as much of a shit for 'non-Whites' as Obama did (and claims he does now).
    It is only the autocratic Left that breaks people up into colors, classes, factions - for the purpose of further splitting-apart the traditional American Nation.
    It is textbook Marxist/Communist strategy.
    Moore gives about as much of a damn for the 'American Worker' as Nancy Pelosi, or that Marxist Seltzer-Man Bernie Sanders.
    They have utter and TOTAL contempt for Blue Collar America, most directly because almost all of them have NEVER worked in a real job in their lives.
