Saturday, December 28, 2019

2020 Prognostication and the End of this Blog

By A Friend
Sat, Dec 28, 2019 7:29 p.m.

1 comment:

  1. That's been my point all along--whites are not organizing.But you know what they DID organize for?I saw this on the news--the guy who had ALS and started the ice bucket challenge(Pete Fratas).The whites came out in droves(over 1,000) to run into cold water and think that this type of activity makes a fuc*ing difference.
    If we could get 1,000 whites to protest at so many other important places like courthouses,mayor's offices,media outlets (for starters),instead of running near naked into 34° water,we might have a chance.
    That's another diversion--charity stuff.The Christmas season saw so many programs organized to give TONS of toys to blacks,but the whites who organize these events are too stupid to see they're wasting time and money on blackie.
    Concentrate on US---WE(you,I and all whites)need the help and to help each other.There wont be "liberal" or "conservative" whites listed in the white haters program book,when the white haters start using their growing demographic advantage for future genocide.
    ALL whites will be killed--you can count on that.
