Thursday, November 28, 2019

Back to the Future? School Busing Makes a Comeback in Maryland

By Merlin
Thu, Nov 28, 2019 10:24 a.m.

School Busing Makes a Comeback in Maryland

Back to the future?

N.S.: Actually, forced busing (and cheating white kids out of their bus rights) never ended. The claim that it was ended was rhetorical ruse of the courts and the MSM. What happened was that the courts transferred the power to force racial busing to local school districts. When my chief of research was halfway through the second grade, his school bus, which had always pulled up empty to the stop in our neighborhood, was suddenly pulling up half full of black kids who lived outside of the district. Now, if you were white or Asian, and lived literally on the wrong side of the street, you had to send your kid to a black supremacist ghetto school, where he'd be turned into a punching bag and an ATM. But black kids who lived miles outside of our district got privileged.

So, although kids in our building had been able to ride the school bus to school through the fifth grade, I now had to go back to taking my boy to school every morning, and picking him up every afternoon, like back in pre-K. Then, when he was in middle school, after he got school bus for the sixth grade, the NYC schools broke the law, refusing our neighborhood bus service for the seventh and eighth grades. The previous year, the state legislature had passed a law that the governor had signed, requiring that the NYC Education Department provide school bus service to every kid in our neighborhood who was eligible for the school bus for the sixth grade, for the seventh and eight, too.

I called all our local representatives, pestered them at school meetings (saying that it was racism), called the local newspaper. All I got was shunned by people who drove their kids to school, and who pulled them out of the public schools for high school, and sent them to a luxury prep school. 

I suppose it could have been worse--at least the NYPD Hate Crimes Task Force didn't hunt for me, the way it hunted for another white man who complained about racism.

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