Thursday, September 19, 2019

“World’s Bravest Man,” or Natural-Born Coward? Please Support WEJB/NSU!

A disclaimer, before you read the testimonial below: I do not claim to be “the World’s Bravest Man.” In fact, I am aware that I am a natural-born coward. Over time, I have learned that there is nothing more dangerous than to believe praise, no matter sincerely it was proferred. And yet, without the occasional pat on the back, how could anyone go on, doing largely thankless work?

So, what am I? Beats me.

One way to look at things would be that different men have different fears. I am terrified of things that don’t frighten other men in the slightest. (Don’t ask.)

(I know very well what it’s like to be humbled.)

Another way of looking at things would be that of longtime reader, Il ragno (the spider), who once explained my criticisms of the antiversity, in that having been whitelisted, I no longer had anything to lose.

Yet another way is that so many people—e.g., tenured professors—who have been in a position to do the right thing without being destroyed, have been such craven cowards that, compared to them, I look like Audie Murphy.

“I always thought Jared Taylor was the World’s Bravest Man. I’ve changed my mind. That man is now Nicholas Stix... (Linked to ‘Here We Go Again: Walter Scott, Michael Slager, and Another Post-American Lynch Mob.’)”

Reader Epiminondas, “Shooting Death of Walter Scott Deals Blow to North Charleston’s Struggle to Balance Civil Rights, Public Safety,” American Renaissance, April 2015
The context of Epiminondas’ praise—which swells my head, every time I read it—was that Jared had condemned white North Charleston, S.C., policeman Michael Slager, and left Slager to twist in the wind, while I had defended Slager, and still do.

Anyone who knows anything about Jared Taylor knows that he is an incredibly brave man.

With that said, I am very proud of my consistent defense of Michael Slager, and hope that I never weaken in my devotion to his cause, and that of other white political prisoners in America.

What happened in the Slager case was that Officer Slager had shot and killed fleeing, black prisoner Walter Scott which, according to the U.S. Supreme Court, was a lawful act. However, years of political machinations had led to the MSM and the authorities turning the law on its head, and sociologically transforming a lawful action by a peace officer, into a heinous, racist crime.

I think the most accurate way to describe how I work is to think about the story, not me. I follow my story sense. Later, in retrospect, I’ll see some of the stories that I've covered, which the MSM chose to ignore, or to misrepresent, and feel proud but frustrated, because too often, the MSM win.

If such causes are important to you, too, please hit the PayPal “Donate” button at the top of the page, and make a generous donation to WEJB/NSU.

I thank you, and your posterity will, too.


Nicholas Stix

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