Sunday, September 15, 2019

White Genocide on the Culture Front (David Cole)

By An Old Friend
Sun, Sep 15, 2019 12:05 a.m.

David Cole on extruding whites from the societies they made

In a season 3 episode of NYPD Blue, profoundly un-PC detective Andy Sipowicz (played by Dennis Franz) gives his son, a newly minted beat cop, a lesson in street patrol. Sipowicz points to a group of young black guys standing on a corner. He tells his son that the men, while not technically doing anything illegal, nevertheless have to be chased off, because a klatch like that can only mean trouble.


  1. Cole wrote a valid,accurate column,but I think,lost his point at the very end:
    "Sipowicz,off duty, stumbles to the corner where, just weeks earlier, he'd instructed his son about chasing off the black guys. For the first time, we get close enough to the "troublemakers" to hear that all they're doing is talking about music. They're not actually causing trouble or committing crimes.(GRA:That's Hollywood's fictional,liberal viewpoint of blacks--they're innocent,misunderstood.It's the Archie Bunker syndrome-take a white viewpoint that looks at black behavior,in what liberals believe is racist,and shoot it down--week by week,year by year.That's what CBS did on "All in the Family"--wear Archie down in his beliefs,attack him constantly,so that by the end of the series,he was a beaten man figuratively --like Sipowicz was literally.)But when Sipowicz drunkenly tries to roust them, the guys go full thug, beating and stomping him within an inch of his life(GRA:In Hollywood's eyes,Sipowicz got what he deserved--just like they believe,whites are getting--and WILL get--what they deserve,from minorities in the future).
    Feral House seems comparable to "the Onion" apologizing for a humorous story--the leading decision-maker must be removed by Feral House.
    My final point is,David Cole,we all know that whites are being forced out of many areas,including government leadership spots (like mayor,city manager,police chief)and other NON-governmental positions of importance(CEOs,school presidents,white newsmen like O'Reilly etc) and if not forced--they're being "encouraged" to voluntarily leave due to a constant stream of verbal attacks.So what do we do about this trend,as whites?I asked this previously of one of his rants--what are his solutions?
    My suggestion is--we organize and start protesting,in person,at the places where the rights of whites have been violated.Blacks who get a lesser sentence for killing a white person,or are released early--we must,by the hundreds or thousands,immediately make our way to that area and let them hear our voices.
    We must have spokesmen who speak up and we have to develop unity against what Cole describes as "a chasing off the corner "of white people.
    There needs to be a palpable fear, felt by liberals,a respect,that there are consequences for stepping on white citizen's rights.Leave our neighborhoods alone--quit forcing minorities on us.Stop effing with our lives.
    A powerful political group--in other words--that takes no more shit.We built this country--and if we want to keep it for future generations of whites--we better do something about it.
    --GR Anonymous

  2. "Sipowicz drunkenly tries to roust them, the guys go full thug, beating and stomping him within an inch of his life."

    I saw this episode. The colored guys proved Andy was right,didn't they??

  3. "Blacks who get a lesser sentence for killing a white person,or are released early--we must,by the hundreds or thousands,immediately make our way to that area and let them hear our voices."

    The reasoning of course is that the negro is just acting according to his true and basic nature which is inferior. Nothing better can be expected of him.
