Sunday, September 29, 2019

Videos: TCM’s Red Eddie Muller on Politics, Hollywood, and Crossfire (1947): The Choice is Simple—You’re Either a Communist or a Fascist; There’s No Third Option (Videos)

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

Eddie Muller’s Intro to Crossfire (1947) on TCM Noir Alley

Carney Tynes
362 subscribers

On March 18, 2018, TCM showed Crossfire (1947) as its selection for its weekly Noir Alley show (Sunday mornings, 10 a.m.) Here is the intro by host Eddie Muller, aka The Czar of Noir.

Eddie Muller’s Afterword to Crossfire (1947) on TCM Noir Alley


  1. The Red Eye of CBS,broadcast their "Face the (Commie)Nation" Sunday morning,opening with a contentious argument between Lindsey Graham and host Margaret Brennan.
    She asked Graham questions that were intended to make him hem and haw--for example--"Do you think it was okay for this President to talk in this manner to a foreign president?"
    Do you think it is okay for the President to ask a foreign president to investigate Joe Biden and his son?:
    "Yes,we need to get to the bottom of this and how he was able to receive $600,000 a yea.Under what conditions was that agreed to.Did Joe Biden know that was happening?"
    Graham said,"I want to know WHO told the whistleblower the content of the phone calls as well."
    Pretty good stuff--but Graham wants something from Trump too--for his support.He wants Trump to "take more action against Iran."

    And we know what that means.

    GRA:Giuliani,if nothing else,is a very poor liar.
    (FOXNEWS)Rudy Giuliani was not the only attorney trying to get damaging information on Joe Biden from Ukrainian officials, and President Trump’s decision to withhold aid from Ukraine this summer was made in spite of several federal agencies supporting the aid, Fox News’ Chris Wallace revealed on “Fox News Sunday.”

    In addition to Giuliani, Washington, D.C., lawyers Joe DiGenova and his wife Victoria Toensing worked alongside the former New York City mayor. According to a top U.S. official, the three attorneys were working "off the books" -- not within the Trump administration -- and only the president knows the details of their report.
    DiGenova and Toensing have been staunch supporters of President Trump.

    When asked by Fox News' Maria Bartiromo if he was working with other attorneys to get information about Biden, Giuliani denied it.

    "No. I didn't work with anybody to try and get dirt on Joe Biden," Giuliani said on "Sunday Morning Futures," claiming that the information was handed to him rather than sought out.

    A whistleblower complaint citing “multiple U.S. government officials” accused Trump of pressuring Ukraine to investigate Biden in a July 25 phone call. Democrats claim that Trump used military aid as leverage over Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, although Zelensky insists there was no pressure at all.

    Giuiani has gone on record saying that his investigation began as a probe of possible Ukrainian collusion with the Democratic Party in the 2016 election, which led to him looking into Biden as well.
    The former New York City mayor asserts that Hunter Biden engaged in improper activity related to his business dealings with energy company Burisma Holdings, and claims that then-Vice President Joe Biden used his office to pressure the Ukrainian government into firing top prosecutor Viktor Shokin, who was investigating Burisma.

    Biden has acknowledged this in the past, stating that he threatened to withhold $1 billion from Ukraine if they did not fire Shokin. Biden denies wrongdoing, and has not stated that he did this to protect his son, as Shokin had been accused of corruption.

    Genova and Toensing have publicly called out Biden, accusing him of acting on behalf of his son, and disputing claims that Shokin was corrupt.

    Speculation that Trump may have sought campaign assistance from a foreign government -- and the allegation that he used military aid as leverage – has increased demand from Democrats that Trump be impeached.

    After news of the whistleblower complaint came out, however, Pelosi called for a formal impeachment inquiry.

    Republicans, meanwhile are criticizing the complaint because the whistleblower did not have firsthand knowledge of the call. Top Republicans have been pushing for the identity the whistleblower’s government sources

    Republicans specifically questioned why the whistleblower's sources in the White House didn't file a complaint themselves -- especially given that relevant whistleblower procedures did not protect second-hand complaints until just days before the whistleblower filed the complaint against Trump. (The New York Times reported that the whistleblower is a CIA officer detailed to the White House. Fox News has not confirmed The Times' report.)

    Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Ariz., a member of the House Judiciary Committee, told Fox News' "Shepard Smith Reporting" on Thursday that the administration had an apparent "leak problem," adding, "if they're leaking something that's supposed to be classified, then ... that probably is criminal in nature."
    GRA:That's the next thing Trump needs to investigate--should have been done months ago.But who do you ask or trust to conduct the investigation of a large number of traitors that you're surrounded with?
