Sunday, September 15, 2019

The Answer is Segregation

By Nicholas Stix

During much of the 16th century in Western Europe, the Protestant Reformation arose. In response, cobblestone streets and dirt roads alike ran red with the blood of Protestants, then Catholics, too.

The finest minds in Europe got together, and eventually agreed that there was only one solution: Segregation. Catholics would live in certain areas, with Protestants in other areas.

Western nations are today again in the grip of civil wars that could be solved through segregation, but try and say this publicly, and one will be ruined, tarred with epithets such as “white supremacist,” “neo-Nazi,” etc.

One’s arguments will not get a hearing from the people dominating public opinion, who demand ever more “diversity,” ever fewer whites, and ever greater economic dispossession and political disenfranchisement of whites. That’s public opinion, not public discourse, mind you, because public discourse has not existed for generations in Western countries.

Integrationists used to promise all sorts of utopian goals: Social harmony, an improvement in black children’s test scores, a loss of white children’s arrogance, even cheaper health care.

Now, they no longer promise utopia, but threaten genocidal bloodshed if whites oppose their violent takeover, while occasionally publicly promising (and doing so much more frequently in private) the same bloodshed, when they take over. Meanwhile, the integrationists demand the importation solely of peoples who are completely unintegratable, and the rejection of all peoples who could be integrated.

The utopian promises were all lies. Integrationism was always a communist plot to destroy whites, and turn their countries into genocidal, communist dictatorships.

Integrationism brings with it no social benefits. It was never meant to.

And so, Western countries are now either going to have to expel entire demographic groups (including but not limited to Moslems), or find themselves embroiled in civil wars that will hearken back to the 16th century, but with bloodshed on a par with World War II, if not worse. Alternatively, whites and the civilization they built will be quietly marched to the charnel house.

Postscript: My good friend Mark Potok, then of the SPLC, unwittingly helped me think through this problem. Back in 2005, Mark asserted that I had used the arguments in Ian Jobling’s report, “The Color of Crime,” to argue for racial segregation. At that point, I had never argued for segregation. Indeed, I’d been raised an ardent integrationist, and had argued for integration as a teenager, and as a man during the early 1990s. Mark’s libel was intended variously to disgrace, and possibly to intimidate me. Instead, it provoked me to begin thinking, for the first time in my life, about integration.


  1. "threaten genocidal bloodshed if whites oppose their violent takeover, while occasionally publicly promising (and doing so much more frequently in private) the same bloodshed, when they take over. "

    It constantly amazes me the amount of hate, bitterness and anger these persons have openly expressed since Don became President. That IS what they were thinking all along. And they do have intentions either to subordinate the whitey to a lesser level, second-class, or get rid of all whitey somehow and for all time.

    History will record this period as before Don and after Don?

    No more giving the leftist/liberal the benefit of the doubt. They have shown themselves for what they are and are all about. Thank you Don.

  2. War does have a way of solving intractable problems.

    Think Lebanon, Yugoslavia, Sri Lanka.

    (Houston Chronicle)"Saturday Night Live" has parted ways with Shane Gillis, the just-hired stand-up comic whose past use of racist, homophobic and sexist language led to a firestorm last week.

    The comedian, who was announced Thursday as a featured player for Season 45, was criticized for using slurs against Asians and the LGBT community in recent podcast episodes.

    A spokesperson for SNL producer Lorne Michaels confirmed the development Monday: "After speaking with Shane Gillis, we have decided he will not be joining SNL."

    "We were not aware of his prior remarks that have surfaced over the past few days," the statement read. "The language he used is offensive, hurtful and unacceptable. We are sorry that we did not see these clips earlier, and that our vetting process was not up to our standard."

    Gillis responded on Twitter. "Of course I wanted an opportunity to prove myself at SNL, but I understand it would be too much of a distraction," he wrote. "I respect the decision they made. I'm honestly grateful for the opportunity."

    Michaels' spokesperson said that Gillis was hired "on the strength of his talent as a comedian" and his audition. "We want SNL to have a variety of voices and points of view within the show."

    SNL also added two other featured performers last week: Bowen Yang, who was widely celebrated as the show's first cast member of East Asian descent, and Chloe Fineman. But hours after the casting announcement, freelance comedy journalist Seth Simons called attention to a 2018 episode of "Matt and Shane's Secret Podcast" in which Gillis and co-host Matt McCusker used slurs against Chinese people, mocking their accents(GRA:Horrendous!!!) and making racist references to Chinatown. (All of the episodes have been scrubbed from the podcast's YouTube channel.)

    Gillis initially addressed the mounting backlash by tweeting that he is a "comedian who pushes boundaries. Sometimes I miss." He added he was "happy to apologize to anyone who's actually been offended by anything I've said."
    --GRA:This was on NNN tonight--to show whitey AGAIN--the rules of what's funny in the liberal world (anything by blacks,Mex and Muslim)and what isn't(whatever whites say about anyone but whites).
    --GR Anonymous
