Friday, September 27, 2019

Police as a Political Army: The LAPD, Which Grants Non-Whites the Privilege of Committing Millions of Free Crimes Per Year, is Illegally Investigating a White Woman, Who Didn't Commit Any Crimes

By R.C.
Sep 26, 2019 10:08 p.m.
The video, captured by a customer, shows a woman yelling "I hate n****rs" while walking out of a CVS. As the customer taking the video follows the woman out of the store, the woman proceeds to yell, "F**k you, n****rs. I hate n****rs."

N.S.: This reminds me of the time when the NYPD Hate Crime Task Force unsuccessfully hunted for a white man
for complaining in unsigned flyers about black racism, as if he'd committed a crime.

Cellphone video of a woman yelling racial slurs and threats outside a CVS in the Eagle Rock neighborhood of Los Angeles on Tuesday has gone viral, prompting an investigation by the Los Angeles Police Department.

R.C.: Why is LAPD investigating her?

Perhaps she is an aspiring rapper?


  1. It reminds me of when police hunted for whoever posted fliers saying "It's okay to be white"and the time when a woman said something derogatory about Hispanics to her daughter. She was overheard by an undercover cop and arrested. Worse are the cases where police stand by while blacks or leftist attack peaceful citizens and arrest people for self defense against blacks and leftists. Freedom is already gone in countries like Britain and will not last long if this continues.

  2. Maybe she is perpetrating a hoax? I wouldn't be surprised.

  3. NNN,always looking to provoke blacks against whites,had a profile report about "a black 6th grade girl who was held down by three white boys and had her dredlocks cut.It's being investigated as a racist incident."
    Rahema Ellis,one of the plethora of blacks on the "Negro Nightly News" roster,showed the girl--with hair past her shoulders--talking to Ellis as her grandparents sat nearby;
    "I was trau-ma-tized,"she uttered slowly.
    Police are now involved and Holt sounds like he wants these white boys to get expelled from school for life and then be the first members of the Camp Lester Penitentiary for White People,that I think he wants to open up after the 2020 election.Here,whites of all ages--who dare do something as horrible as trimming a few of the hairs off a black girls head or yell "I hate nigg*rs"--can be locked up for decades.
    And the "honest,truthful" reporting by NBC that Holt promised yesterday about impeachment?That quickly gave way to assumptions that there,"is a coverup,"and "the Trump accusations about Biden have been discredited."
    So Biden's son--got a job on the board of a Ukrainian company--during his father's Vice Presidency,because he was best qualified?
    Just as in the case of the Central Park 5,if the media repeats something for days and weeks as its version of a narrative--THAT becomes accepted by a large segment of the (mostly liberal)viewing audience.
    I know NBC and NNN lie and fictionalize news to their needs,but to see this deceit over and over again--as it plays out every day--on what theoretically is supposed to be a highly principled news network,still stuns me every time I see it.

  4. I wanted to add to that last post,in high school--HIGH SCHOOL,not sixth grade--in one of my 11th grade classes,a kid with a lot of hairspray on his head,had his hair lit on fire by the kid behind him.I could see the one kid take a lighter,move it up to the other kids hair,and the flames blew up like special effects in a movie.About 10 seconds it blazed,until the hairspray burned off--the hair was mostly unsinged afterwards.
    That kid was not charged with arson,assault,attempted murder,a hate crime against a Dutchman(the other kid was Polish I think).
    Now though,a prank is a felony and a hate crime--if whites do it.But a group of thug negroes who punch a 59 year old white guy to death is conveniently ignored by NNN and the like.
    Priorities please,on what should be reported as news?

    IAN HANCHETT27 Sep 201917
    On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher stated that while he doesn’t think 2020 Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden was “doing something terrible in Ukraine,” Hunter Biden’s behavior in Ukraine “does sound like something Don Jr. would do. And if Don Jr. did it, it would be all Rachel Maddow was talking about.”

    Maher began by saying, “I don’t think he was doing something terrible in Ukraine, but it’s just so — why can’t politicians tell their f*cking kids get a job? Get a goddamn job. I mean, this kid was paid $600,000 because his name is Biden, by a gas company in Ukraine, this super corrupt country that just had a revolution to get rid of corruption. It just looks bad. And the Republicans are geniuses at muddying the waters. … It’s all going to be about, you did this in Ukraine, well, Joe Biden did this.”

    Maher added, “It does sound like something Don Jr. would do. And if Don Jr. did it, it would be all Rachel Maddow was talking about.”
    GRA:Maher:"I mean, this kid was paid $600,000 because his name is Biden, by a gas company in Ukraine, this super corrupt country that just had a revolution to get rid of corruption. It just looks bad."
    Me:Exactly--and Don Jr DIDN'T do it--Hunter BIDEN did,because he was the Veep's kid--end of story.

  6. Well, I read that one too about the colored girl who said the whitey cut her hair. That is the school where the wife of VP Pence teaches Bible. So this an effort to get Pence through his wife too?
