Monday, September 23, 2019

Michelle Malkin Interview: Follow the $ Behind the Push for Open Borders

By A Colleague
Sun, Sep 22, 2019 10:00 a.m.

Michelle Malkin interviewed by Charlotte Cuthbertson of Epoch Times (46m)

First half of interview is very good on Malkin's very early interest in the immigration fiasco and who's behind the mess today.

PS: Trump's first two years were a battle for survival against the Mueller probe. A recused Jeff Sessions, stalwart as he was on immigration, was on the sidelines.   Bear in mind, as well, that obscure federal judges issued almost 40 nationwide injunctions against Trump initiatives, most of which were aimed at curbing immigration.

N.S.: I have to disagree with my esteemed colleague (and I'm not being sarcastic, because I greatly admire and respect this individual), regarding Trump.

When Obama judges conspired to hamstring his presidency, especially on immigration, Trump needed to pull an Andy Jackson and defy them, daring them to do anything about it, which they couldn't have. When Trump backed down, his presidency was lost.


  1. jerry pdx
    That is where I'm most disappointed with Trump, nothing more important than changing laws to fight mass immigration in the long term. He has powerful forces arrayed against him so being a politician ends up being about compromise and making deals, he should have held the line on judges but made concessions over DACA, the wall, just about everything else, and while I wouldn't like it, I could have understood the necessity.

  2. I may be the lone soldier on this particular point of view I have--but I don't trust non-whites like Candace Owens or Malkin in their latching on to white based positions about immigration,black racism etc.Immigration is to me,an issue that affects only whites.America WAS white,is not as white as it used to be, because of immigration,and whites are the only racial group declining as a percentage of the US population because of the twin demographic attack by negroes and Mex .Blacks have no concerns about Mexicans pouring in--they are reproducing at a rate that ensures large demographic gains in the future--which brings me to...
    My first objection:why do whites have to rely on non-whites to express opinions that WE should be saying ourselves?Whites can't write books about the topics mentioned by Malkin?I guess not,but an Asian becomes our spokesman by default,because whites aren't allowed to object to anything anymore--it's racist.
    Then there's the idea that I just don't trust a black who says,"I'm trying to help white America,I'm on your side."
    Reminds me of Ronald Reagan's quote about the most terrifying thing you can hear,"I'm from the government and I'm here to help."
    The NEWEST, most terrifying quote for me is,"Mr.White man,I'm black and I'm on YOUR side."
    Uh huh,more like Owens is trying to find a niche and help herself--but that's just my opinion.
    Even worse is a black political candidate like Michigan had last year--John James--running as a Republican.Blacks can run as any party they want--even Nazi--to try to get elected,but once they take office,you can bet the farm that their fellow blacks would be their #1 concern--no matter what their party affiliation is.Don't be fooled.
