Thursday, September 19, 2019

Marvel Embraces White Genocide

By A Longtime Reader
Wed, Sep 18, 2019 4:37 p.m.

The Great Replacement Comes to Marvel

The Great Replacement Comes to Marvel. Out with the Normal White Men, in with the Gays and Black, Bisexual Women

09/17/2019 Man is dead. Captain America is all but dead, having traveled back in time to live his life out in the America he remembered. Those unhappy events occurred in Avengers Endgame, the film in which Woke Hollywood killed off and retired the two white men—top heroes in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). And more wokeness is coming, as the producers and directors of these obscenely profitable blockbusters fashion a new non-whitenon-male, non-heterosexual MCU. The normal white man will be exiled. Who better than a black bisexual woman or "married" homosexual man, after all, to save the universe!

Starting with them, just how important will nonwhites and women, or nonwhite women be? Trinh Tran, a Vietnamese immigrant and an executive producer with Marvel Studios, says they'll be "instrumental."

Tran spoke with Inverse shortly after San Diego Comic-Con to discuss Phase 4, the next set of MCU films that begins with the release of Black Widow on May 1. [Marvel Producer on Phase Four's Diversity: "This Is the World We Live In," by Eric Francisco, August 5 2019] Tran:

Female representation, the diversity of it all, is very important because this is the world we live in. There's so many different people out there and in order for us to relate to them, we have to make movies that are different. We can't always be about one race or gender. That's not the way to connect with the world.

I'm looking forward to Black Widow getting her own movie next year, [Asian superhero] Shang-Chi getting his due. This is the first step to more diverse characters and franchises. I am hoping for more down the line. We have so many characters in the Marvel Universe, it's a matter of picking which one makes sense to the MCU. In thinking about the future of the MCU and how all those characters are gonna connect, diversity is crucial in our future.

I think we're heading towards the right direction. Ten years ago when we started making these movies, you probably don't see much of that.

So an immigrant Asian woman thinks we're heading in the right direction by turning a once-great film series into a polychromatic, multicult mess. You don't say.

Anyway, we didn't see much of that a decade ago, and no one much objected, as box office receipts showed. The inaugural MCU film was Iron Man. The Incredible Hulk followed, then Thorwhich introduced the world to the God of Thunder. Captain America showed up in 2011. Then came The Avengers in 2012, when the all-white team of superheroes saved the world from an alliance between Loki, Thor's angry, jealous brother, and an extraterrestrial race called the Chitauri. browning the series won't be enough. The new "diverse" MCU will impart this lesson: The lesbian as a fat, ugly dyke, the homosexual as a swishing pansy, are hateful stereotypes.

Thus will Love and Thunder, release date November 5, 2021, feature "LGBTQ" favorite Tessa Thompson as  Valkryie. Valkyrie, who appeared in Ragnarok (2017), will be the "king" of Asgard, home of the Norse gods, having taken the mantle from Thor himself at the close of Endgame (2019).
Disney's Asgard is a multicultural utopia that conscripts Norse mythology to serve racial, cultural and sexual revolution, and so the home of the gods must have a black, bisexual "king," who in turn must have a queen, as Marvel Studios chieftain Kevin Feige confirmed to io9:
[T]he Marvel Cinematic Universe will get its first LGBTQ superhero in Thor: Love and Thunder. And yes, it's Tessa Thompson's Valkyrie.
Speaking to io9 in the wake of Marvel Studios' barnstorming San Diego Comic-Con panel, Kevin Feige confirmed, as Thompson herself teased during Love and Thunder's unveiling, that Valkyrie will be involved in an LGBTQ storyline as Asgard's new ruler seeks out a Queen to rule alongside her.

"The answer is yes," Feige said of Valkyrie having an LGBTQ storyline. "How that impacts the story remains to be seen with that level of representation you'll see across our films, not in just Thor 4."
"As new king, she needs to find her queen," Thompson had said to fans in Hall H during Marvel's panel. "That will be her first order of business. She has some ideas. Keep you posted."
[It's Official: Valkyrie Will Be the MCU's First LGBTQ Hero, by James Whitbrook,, July 20, 2019]

In keeping with the addition of a "queer superhero" and the feminization of the MCU, Thor will relinquish his hammer in Love and Thunder to his lady God, played by MCU veteran Natalie Portman, who appeared in the original and its sequelThe Dark World. [Natalie Portman will bring the hammer as a female Thor in 'Love and Thunder,' by Erin Davis and Brandon Griggs, CNN, July 21, 2019]

Nor will Valkyrie, again, be alone, at least as the "LGBTQ" side of the series goes. Marvel's next big installment, scheduled for release in November 6, 2020, The Eternals, will ad a superhero who's just a little light in the loafers. Feige confirmed that at the D23 Expo last month. "He's married, he's got a family, and that is just part of who he is," the Hollywood bigwig disclosed. [Marvel's The Eternals confirms openly gay character: 'He's married, he's got a family,', by Nick Ramono,, August 26, 2019]
Not to be omitted from this mix is the religion of peace. On the soon-to-be launched Disney+ streaming service, the MCU will have a Muslim-American super heroine: Ms. Marvel. Following the character of a Muslim teenager in New Jersey, the show will be yet another attack on the MCU's white male superheroes:

The latest incarnation, and the one the show will be focusing on, is a teenager named Kamala Khan. Khan broke ground by becoming Marvel's first Muslim character to lead her own comics title. Her identity as a Pakistani-American living in a religious family in New Jersey whilst trying to find her own way has been a major focus of the stories. Her powers have been described as polymorphous, meaning she has the ability to stretch and change her shape.
['Ms. Marvel' Series in the Works for Disney+ (Exclusive), by Borys Kit, Hollywood Reporter, August 23, 2019]

So here's the precis on openly subversive MCU:
Robert Downey Jr.'s Iron Man, again, dies in the final moments of Endgame.

Endgame sent Chris Evans' Captain America back in time to be with love Peggy Carter, then, depicted him in the present as an old man, giving his shield to The Falcon, meaning Captain America is now black, which follows the comic-book storyline of 2014.

And with the end of the Sony-Disney Spiderman pact, a third white character is gone.

And so The Great Replacement has finally come to the MCU.

Here's the main question for Disney: Will primarily white fanboys for these films stay away from theaters, as they did with Star Wars: The Last Jedi?

I say yes.




  1. I saw the first two "Spiderman" movies years ago and enjoyed them--to a point.""Batman" with Michael Keaton was pretty good--thanks to Nicholson.
    I never got into this Thor,Captain America,Iron Man,Antman stuff.
    Some things should just remain comic books.The flood of these "characters" getting the high budget treatment seemed like a waste of time and money.Masks,suits,no personalities=boring.How many monsters can you fight?
    Now,because Hollywood cannot resist politicizing everything--they must eliminate whitey and replace him with NEW more diverse superheroes:FAGMAN,NIGGAMAN,TURBANMAN,,DYKECHICK,BENDOVERBOY,PEDOPRIEST,PORCHCOON fighting who?Straight whites of course.What a great way to propagandize a hatred of whites by casting them as the enemy.
    It's not that blatant--yet,but stay tuned as "THE CENTRAL PARK 5 BATTLE THE CAUCASOID CREATURES".
    Produced by Oprah and Ava Duvernay.
    They're law abiding black kids by day,but by night they fight whitey with superpowers never before seen in a white neighborhood.
    White guy in his living room:"Hey,how did you get through my triple deadbolt locked door?"
    CP#2:"I'm the "Lockbreaker",the newest Marvel superhero and I'm taking everything you got cracka."
    As I've said about 007 fans who will most likely avoid movie theaters if Bond becomes black and female,Kersey thinks the same with racial mutations of previously white comic book characters--whitey will stay home.If that happens,hopefully idiotic executives heads will roll and sanity can return.
    But whatever they decide--I doubt if I'll watch ANY of it from now on--like I already avoid doing with negro filled network TV.

  2. jerry pdx
    Loved comics since I was a kid, both Marvel and DC, but the shift to more "diverse" superheroes has also been paralleled by a drop in the quality of the writing. Storylines have become more and more about virtue signalling rather than telling a good story. Early additions of black and non US superheroes (back in the 70's) were OK because they characters were integrated in an organic way that didn't sacrifice storylines. Now, they are shoehorned in with no regard if they actually are credible characters or fit with the story. The new crop of writers are clearly being chosen for their ability to "speak to the younger generation" and "worship diversity" more than actual writing talent. The result is unreadable storylines and horrible character development. Being gay, bi,gender confused, disabled, dark skinned, Muslim etc... is now waved around like a giant virtue signalling flag rather than simply an aspect of a character. Occasionally a writer with real talent sneaks something through that actually tells a decent story and doesn't spend most of it's time worshipping PC ideology, but they don't last long, they are disappeared after a while to be replaced with more ideologically pure writers.
    The worst example is Mr. Ta Ne Sha Coates, who has been writing the latest Black Panther stories, once he was one of my favorite lower profile characters but now is a caricature of what he once was. The current Black Panther stories are horrible, agonizing politically correct crap. Mr. Coates clearly has no talent whatsoever for creative writing, he should just stick to his 300 yrs. oppression diatribes, that's just rewriting Al Sharpton schtick, which is all he's capable of.
