Friday, September 20, 2019

Kids’ Klimate Change March: “Climate Change”? How about Marching against “Nation Change”!

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Friday, September 20, 2019 at 7:10:00 P.M. EDT

GRA: The networks gave huge coverage to this event.

First of all, I’d like to know—how did this many people get organized to appear in the millions (so they say)? It would seem like a massive undertaking—who's behind it?

[N.S.: Shhh!]

Why can't WE organize, not to fight “Climate Change”—but “Nation Change”?

There have got to be millions of people around the world—from Germany and Italy to France and Sweden—and of course, the United States—opposed to their countries being overwhelmed with Muslims, blacks, and Mexicans. Why isn't THAT kind of march happening? In my opinion, “Nation Change” is 10 times MORE important and 10 times more of a crisis—in the near term—than “Climate Change.” Here's CBS’ report:

(CBSNEWS) Millions of people around the world are walking out of their schools and workplaces Friday to demand urgent action on climate change. The global climate strikes, which are taking place in more than 150 countries, were scheduled ahead of the opening of the United Nations General Assembly and the Climate Action Summit on September 23.

The protests have been organized by young people around the world who are part of the “Fridays for Future” campaign, which has seen students walk out of their schools on Fridays to demand their political leaders take urgent action to address climate change.

“The protests have been organized by young people around the world…”

[N.S.: Lügenpresse Alert!]

GRA: The media has catapulted a 16-year-girl with Aspergers, to be the globalist spokesperson—for now.

Whatever THEY’RE doing, we need to do something similar—to save our country.

---GR Anonymous

1 comment:

  1. jerry pdx
    I have to wonder if George Soros doesn't have a hand in here somewhere. He also is on a list of donors to Extinction Rebellion, an environmentalist group concerned with species extinction.
    Not something I necessarily disagree with, I care for the environment also and species extinction is a valid cause to espouse but why is George Soros helping fund them? I doubt that Soros gives a crap about the environment, he's over 80 yrs. old and will be dead long before climate change affects him. But he is also an overpopulation advocate who wants the low birthrate shrinking white population of the West to become a higher birthrate black, brown and Muslim population, one that will double in 50 or so years. Imagine the effect 14 billion people will have on the environment in the year 2070. Those people need to be clothed, housed & fed and also want the consumer goodies that Westerners have. Trees will need to be cut, food grown and power produced on way or the other. Animals and rain forests will suffer and if you think climate change is bad now (if it actually exists as they claim) think what it will be like then. So how does Soros resolve mass migration feeding the overpopulation bomb and his supposed support of environmentalism? I really don't know what's going on in his head, I think Soros, like all globalists, is just plain insane.
