Monday, September 16, 2019

U.S. Spends Millions to Train Bomb-Sniffing Dogs Gifted to Arab Nations that Abuse Them

Mon, Sep 16, 2019 12:47 p.m.

"U.S. Spends Millions to Train Bomb-Sniffing Dogs Gifted to Arab Nations that Abuse Them" | Judicial Watch.


  1. Muslims hate dogs. Dog is an unlcean animal under Islamic law. Dog licks it's butt hole. When the dog licks you that is the same as you touching the dogs butt hole.

  2. The real animals are these Muslim Arab savages. It is incredible that we spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on "mentors" and training so these subhumans can fail to properly care for dogs. Taking care of dogs isn't rocket science--but they still fail miserably. We shouldn't be wasting American dollars--or the lives of American dogs on these sh*thole nations. Let them deal with their own problems--just keep them out of our country. We don't need a single person from these countries in our country or in Europe. These dogs should spend their lives with Americans who will love and care for them. A dog's place isn't in a filthy, disease-ridden kennel--it is on the owner's bed where they are loved, safe, and warm.
