Saturday, September 21, 2019

FAIR: The Democratic Leadership are Now Stalinists

By An Old Friend
Fri, Sep 20, 2019 11:32 p.m.

FAIR Press Release: The Democratic Leadership are Now Stalinists, Charges FAIR

AOF: This brief item definitely merits passing around:

The Democratic Leadership Are Now Stalinists, Charges FAIR
"If this naked effort to silence political and social views held by a substantial number of Americans – in many cases, the majority of Americans – were not such a terrifying assault on the First Amendment, it would be laughable." – Dan Stein

(September 20, 2019, Washington, D.C.) — In a terrifying move toward suppression of political speech, the powerful majority House Ways and Means Committee launched an effort this week to strip the tax exempt status of some 60 accredited 501(c)(3) educational organizations for espousing views widely supported by the public but opposed by the Democratic leadership.

The Committee hearing on Sept. 19, ominously titled, How the Tax Code Subsidizes Hate, provides a congressional imprimatur of approval to a troubling "far left" trend of stifling free speech and political dissent by labeling it as hate. The Ways and Means Committee hearing targeted 60 groups that are on the unaccountable, discredited, and scandal-ridden Southern Poverty Law Center's (SPLC) list of "hate groups." This would give a private, radical fringe group based in Alabama the right to decide who can be tax-exempt.

"If this naked effort to silence political and social views held by a substantial number of Americans – in many cases, the majority of Americans – were not such a terrifying assault on the First Amendment, it would be laughable," said Dan Stein, president of FAIR.

"In holding this hearing, the Ways and Means Committee has essentially designated the SPLC, a shadowy and unaccountable group, whose entire leadership structure was sacked earlier this year because of charges of institutional racism and sexism, as the arbiter of whose voices should be heard in debates about critical public policy issues. Forget 'Democratic Socialism.' We're headed full-speed toward Stalinism, if the Democratic leadership gets its way," Stein charged.

Suppressing and defunding organizations whose political views the SPLC opposes has long been the stated objective of the group. Long-time SPLC hit man Mark Potok made those objectives clear. "I want to say plainly that our aim in life is to destroy these groups, to completely destroy them," Potok stated.

"If anybody's tax exempt status should be called into question it is the SPLC's," argued Stein. "The SPLC has a long and well-documented history of inciting hatred and violence against organizations and individuals who have stood in the way of their radical political agenda. Moreover, they have consistently violated the IRS rules on propaganda and failed to live up to their legal obligations as a 'charitable' organization under the IRS code, hoarding donations  for themselves rather than using them  to advance the interests of the people they claim to represent."

"Yesterday's Ways and Means Committee hearing may have just been some political grandstanding by the Democratic majority, for now. Subversion of democratic principles and basic liberties does not happen overnight. It begins with the sort of kangaroo court hearings staged by the Committee yesterday, which should serve as a giant red flag to anyone who values the notions of free speech and the right to political dissent," Stein concluded.

ABOUT FAIR           
Founded in 1979, FAIR is the country's largest immigration reform group. With over 2 million members and supporters nationwide, FAIR fights for immigration policies that serve national interests, not special interests. FAIR believes that immigration reform must enhance national security, improve the economy, protect jobs, preserve our environment, and establish a rule of law that is recognized and enforced.

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