Sunday, September 29, 2019

Ethnic Favoritism for Our Group! Asian American Groups Oppose Cambodian Refugee Deportations

By A Texas Reader
Sat, Sep 28, 2019 11:38 p.m.

Asian American groups oppose Cambodian refugee deportations

ATR: I am familiar with Cambodian refugees.

I used to have Cambodian refugees as neighbors when I lived in Old East Dallas about 20 years ago.

One day I was out in the front yard of my residence.  I looked across the street to where the Cambodian family's kids were running around in their front yard.  One  young girl, a pre-schooler, was running around naked.  Yep, fully unclothed.

I immediately went inside my house, closed the front door, and said not a word to anyone.

They really are different.


  1. You can take the Cambodian out of the jungle,but you can't take the jungle out of...

  2. "I immediately went inside my house, closed the front door, and said not a word to anyone."

    You had better not have said anything. YOU would be somehow accused of child molestation of a minority. Even an accidental viewing of the child naked would have been enough.

  3. In the old country the kids don't wear anything below the waist till potty trained, however long that takes. It takes a village you know. So when Jr. is out of site, just follow the urine, and/or scat trail. These people can obviously show us so much. Just follow your nose
