Thursday, September 19, 2019

Does the Buck Stop Here? When being Gay, rich, and Leftwing are Not Enough: "Dr Kevorkian": What Prosecutors Say Homeless Men in L.A. Called Dem Donor Ed Buck, Who Now Faces Possible Life Behind Bars

By R.C.
Thu, Sep 19, 2019 8:06 p.m.

"Dr Kevorkian": What prosecutors say homeless men in Los Angeles called Democratic donor Ed Buck as he is hit with new federal charge in overdose deaths of two black men and now faces LIFE behind bars

R.C.: They're not being fair to Dr. Kevorkian.


  1. Buck behind bars--isn't that his dream place to be?Nothing there but blacks who want to "Kevork" him on an hourly basis.Prison for Buck would be sending him to the Playboy Mansion--where heteros abound.
    Just a suggestion.

  2. Looks like the good doc has been getting high on his own supply. Guess the pressure got to him. Hopefully he'll OD while out on bail. Poetic justice and taxpayer savings; a definite win-win
