Saturday, September 28, 2019

500 Scientists Write Letter to U.N., Confirm there is No Climate Crisis

By A Colleague
Fri, Sep 27, 2019 2:16 p.m.

500 Scientists Write Letter to U.N., Confirm there is No Climate Crisis

Climate panic is one of the key planks in the Democrat party's platform. Another, of course, is hatred of our President.

500 Scientists Write Letter to U.N., Confirm There is No Climate Crisis

Here is a fact-based video, which counters climate alarmism:

My Gift to Climate Alarmists

CO2 is a scientifically-established contributing factor to atmospheric effect on climate. Yet regarding climate alarmism, as a friend noted, "We're not talking about science here, we're talking about a science-resembling activity being done in bad faith."


  1. The longterm forecast for the next million years:
    Average weather,with variations of temperature,either warmer or colder than average.
    In other words,same as the last million years.

  2. Politics first science second. Some try to do their best to rectify but the battle is being fought uphill all the way.
