Thursday, August 01, 2019

Emmett Till: Racist Haters are Petitioning Ole Miss to Engage in Illegal, Unconstitutional Punishment of White Students

Thu, Aug 1, 2019 11:05 a.m.
Subject: Fwd: Emmett Till

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From: <>
Date: Thu, Aug 1, 2019 at 8:17 AM
Subject: Emmett Till

F**k 'em!
Wayne — From presidential tweets to kids in cages, communities of color are sounding the alarm that hate is on the rise. They point to examples like the 3 Ole Miss University students who shot up the Emmett Till memorial sign. The sign honors the memory of Emmett Till, a child killed for a crime that never happened. The only consequences so far for these students is suspension from their fraternity. Activists believe hate crimes should have steeper consequences. Join the call to pressure Ole Miss to speak out against hate and discipline these students now.
Further disciplinary action for Ole Miss KAs
Anonymous Reb started this petition to University of Mississippi and it now has 2,890 signatures
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In March three students of the University of Mississippi posted a photo of themselves smiling with guns in front of a bullet riddled memorial for the late Emmett Till, a victim of lynching and a catalyst to the civil rights movement. The three men were members of the Kappa Alpha fraternity on campus and have since been suspended from the organization. 
No formal statement from the University had been issued at the time of the incident and this would not come until months later when the press got wind of the situation. Interim Chancellor Larry D. Sparks, the Interfraternity Council President, and the University as a whole has neglected to take further action against these men. The University has the opportunity to lead the way for other southern schools, organizations, and it's citizens in general to right it's wrongs and it has failed to do so. These men, and the University need to be held accountable for their actions (or lack thereof).
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The person (or organization) who started this petition is not affiliated with did not create this petition and is not responsible for the petition content.

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