Friday, August 02, 2019

A Notable Remark by PowerLine's Paul Mirengoff on Reparations

By An Old Friend
Fri, Aug 2, 2019 1:53 a.m.

A notable remark by PowerLine's Paul Mirengoff

From here:

Just how Williamson plans to deal with the "dark psychic force of collectivized hatred" in America is unclear. She favors reparations for blacks. But forcing whites with no connection to slavery (i.e., all contemporary American whites) to pay blacks won't decrease hate. Whites will resent paying and blacks won't be satisfied for long.

AOF: One wonders how carefully he thought about the part I've boldfaced -- was it really even conscious?


  1. I am befuddled by this "reparations" nonsense. Didn't Cedric the Entertainer joke about the futility of it all 20 years ago in Barbershop? Why does this particular generation get a check? And then some brother who's born a year later misses out on it? Nope, you know it couldn't be just cutting the brothers one check, it would be even more welfare in perpetuity. And no doubts the likes of that Somali Congressman who shouldn't qualify would no doubt find a way to game the system and be cashing it in as well. Heck, you know it wouldn't take long before liberals demand all these bums from Central America sneaking in get checks too. And as if nobody notices all the welfare, section 8, affirmative action, etc. that blacks have been getting for the last 50 years? Isn't that already reparations?

  2. "Whites will resent paying and blacks won't be satisfied for long."

    Reparations when paid [and I hope it never is] that money will disappear in the proverbial heartbeat and then the colored will want more. They can never be given enough. Ever.
