Thursday, August 01, 2019

A Message to Kulak: Need Help Smuggling News from Cyber-Prison to Twitter

By Nicholas Stix

It is now six-and-a-half days since my Twitter-Minder put me on double secret probation (circa 9:10 a.m., July 26), shutting me up, but without officially suspending me. (Even though they responded to my most recent attempt to get back on by both auto-recognizing my name, and telling me I don’t exist.) Thus, if you go to my twitter page, it looks like everything’s hunky dory. That led one of my best Twit buds, Kulak (@Kulak67440352), to send me a direct message, a function the commissars neglected to disable, asking “You ok big guy?”

I’d appreciate it, if someone could direct message to Kulak,

Thanks for your concern, but I’m definitely not o.k. Twitter has me in cyber-prison. Officially, I’m o.k., but Twitter has me in a vicious circle of attempting to get back in, and claims I do not exist.

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