Saturday, July 27, 2019

Witness for the Prosecution (KNOXVILLE HORROR NEWS)

By David in TN
Sat, Jul 27, 2019 5:25 p.m.

The Knoxville NBC affiliate reports ( George Thomas, one of the convicted killers in the Christian-Newsom torture-murders, has been subpoenaed to testify for the prosecution in the upcoming trial of Eric Boyd.

Boyd had long been suspected/thought to have been a prime mover along with "ringleader" Lemaricus Davidson in the murders. Until now, the Knox County District Attorney General felt there wasn't enough evidence to charge Boyd in the murders. Apparently that has changed. 

Will Thomas testify to Boyd's participation in the abduction and the killings?

There is a status hearing on Monday. Jury selection is scheduled to begin August 5.

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