Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Towards a Noseless Society: The Hatred behind "Tolerance"

By A Colleague
Tue, Jul 30, 2019 5:22 p.m.
Subject: You had to be a moron (or a useful idiot) not to see this clash of values coming in the UK (and the West more generally)

I am a supporter of LGBT rights but I am an even stronger supporter of free speech and don't think this Muslim woman dressed in a black niqab (with a slit for her eyes to see through)  should have been arrested for exercising her right to freedom of expression by shouting "Shame!" at a gay man in an LGBT parade in Britain.  Britain continues its headlong plunge to nanny-state fascism.  

If anyone deserves to be arrested it's those snobbish, know-it-all elites who mocked and ostracized anyone who warned about a "clash of civilizations" within their own countries by welcoming in with open arms so many people from such a different culture to settle and live among them.  Stupid, stupid, stupid!!! 

"Diversity Is Our Greatest Strength!" bleated the mob herd of sheep on its way to worship at the altar of multiculturalism.

Islam facing off with LGBT in UK after arrest over viral Pride video | Ezra Levant

Just look at the difference between North America and Europe on the one hand, and the Middle East on the other, in this Pew survey about homosexuality.  They're basically the opposite of each other.

N.S.: This may not be a new observation, but I think the class warfare aspect of multiculturalism is too little discussed. The past 70-odd years of what has been called "liberalism," among other things, has been a history of class war, of people who are from the upper classes, or who want to pose as such, seek to make the lives of their class inferiors miserable. Integration, busing, immigration of Third-World peoples. The snobs always seem to think that the policies they support will only ruin the lives of the people they hate, while never coming back to bite them in the butts. And while there may be schadenfreude when this happens, by then, things are so far afield that the rest of us are even more miserable. We're all noseless.


Muslim show of force in Birmingham:


To coin an expression, Demography Is Destiny.  

Gay lobby silent in LGBT vs. Muslim rights showdown in UK | Ezra Levant

Pray tell, why so silent?


  1. " don't think this Muslim woman dressed in a black niqab (with a slit for her eyes to see through) should have been arrested for exercising her right to freedom of expression by shouting "Shame!" at a gay man in an LGBT parade in Britain."

    I am amazed the woman was even arrested. The Muslims will riot.

  2. Generally speaking, carnal acts between men are not forbidden in Islam unless the men are in "love" with one another. Carnal acts of themselves for sexual gratification are not classified as homo-sex in Islam.

  3. I'm surprised ANYONE was arrested in that skirmish.The PC crowd must have made a list of which minority group has favoritism over another,in a confrontation.
    So gays are ahead of Muslims--that we can count on(?).Does this recognition also apply to the US?If it does,then the only people who will be able to tell Omar and Tlaib off-- are queers!!!Denny Hastert will have to come back.
    Of course white,straight men are so low on this developing PC list already,that the bottom of the middle of the Pacific Ocean(the deepest ocean in the world) will need to be dynamited to create a proper lower depth for us to be placed in.
