Saturday, July 20, 2019

Send Her Home! Report Shows Ilhan Omar Used False Name to Enter U.S., Married Brother

By A Colleague
Sat, Jul 20, 2019 8:39 a.m.
Jihad-Rep Report: Ilhan Omar used false name to enter U.S., married brother

Jihad-Rep Report: Ilhan Omar used false name to enter U.S., married brother

A Powerline blog investigative report published Thursday reveals that Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) not only married her brother, but also received asylum as a child after her family used a false name.


  1. None of that matters to the globalist Democrats.In her broken English,wearing her native attire,it's the cameras capturing her cry of being prosecuted and her steadfastness to "give Trump nightmares,"that resonates with media shills.
    I want everyone to look up David Brooks--who appeared on the latest Judy Woodruff TV show with Mark Shields (still alive!!)
    Brooks,with a wry smile answered Woodruff's softball question about whether what Trump said about "going back home,"was "racist".
    Paraphrasing:"Of course it was racist,"he smoothly PBS'ed,"it comes down to a choice of two things:WE(he said it with meaning,so I'll repeat it)...WE are trying to build a multi-racial,diverse society,that will get along with each other in a Democratically based society.Trump goes the other way."
    I had never heard a media dic*khead say it like that before--admitting basically to being part of a group of people(WE),with designs of creating
    a different America,"one that looks to the future and doesn't live in the past."
    How gallant of him to do this fine bit of country de-construction/destruction.It looked like the day Ellen DeGeneres came out of the closet--this announcement,obviously freeing to Brooks and his cronies.
    Whatta commie bastard--ME thinks.
    --GR Anonymous

  2. "Face the (Commie)Nation"
    Margaret Brennan and Major Garrett called Mike Pence and Rep.Chaney to the witness stand to be questioned.They were sworn in and then attacked,argued with,badgered and interrupted constantly.
    "Do you agree with the President--yes or no?"
    "You say the President disapproved of the racist chants?"
    "Yes,he said that..."
    "Did he?"
    Then Cory Booker came on to call Trump a racist.
    "Telling people to go home is RACIST.We need to reject this."
    And elect either blackie Booker or colored Kamala.Then we're not racist,are we?
    This is what Trump needs to say--"Do whites have to vote blacks in year after year,election after election,to avoid being called racist?No,it's about what kind of country do you want? (A black run nation,or a white run nation.Very simple).

    --GR Anonymous

  3. Time for Americans to man up and stop cowering when the left calls them racist. Stop caring what names are thrown at you and start doing what is right for your country. There are over 50,000 Somali "refugees" in Minnesota. How many got there through fraud like Omar? How many are in gangs and doing various crimes? Round them up and ship them back to that paradise on earth, Somalia. Only an utter idiot could think that those third world savages are an asset to the community. What, the crime makes the city "vibrant"or colorful? We need to stop importing turd world trash or our country will be a bad as those European countries where it isn't safe not to be a Muslim. Why have so many Jews fled France? Has France become too "vibrant" for Jews--or are they smart enough to realize that it isn't safe to live among so many Muslims?

  4. This Brooks has absolutely no credibility at all. He is an immigrant from Canada to begin with. His son went to Israel to serve in their army. The son would not wear an American military uniform but he was willing to wear the uniform of a foreign army. Brooks sympathies are somewhere else.
