Thursday, July 25, 2019

Righteous Cop Ends Hostage Situation, as Black Felon Used a Girl, 12, a Boy, 15, and a Woman, 19, as "Human Shields"

By A Texas Reader
Wed, Jul 24, 2019 10:33 p.m.

Markevvion Devonte Cannon was killed during the hostage situation after police said he used a 12-year-old girl, a 15-year-old boy and a 19-year-old woman as "human shields" during the incident.

"Body Cam Video Released Of Fort Worth Hostage Situation Where Officer Shot, Killed Suspect [Perp] Markevvion Cannon"

Fort Worth police have released body cam video of an incident where a 19-year-old suspect was shot and killed by an officer after he took three people as hostages inside an apartment.

ATR: Another Section 8 name bites it.


  1. Markevvion Devonte was probably very frustrated that he couldn't spell his own name.What was the deal 19 years ago or whenever,that blacks stopped naming their kids Leroy(Brown)and Sammy (Davis)and Sidney (Poitier),relatively easy names to spell,but instead of keeping it simple for stupid,all these 4,5 and 6 syllable names started popping up,like Lifeinprisonous or Clitorious.
    I think that's one of the reasons blacks are so violent today--their names are too difficult for them to spell.Makes them ANGRY!!!

  2. Reportedly, his mammy said " he beez a good keeid hu dindu nuffin ".

  3. "Tyreese never gave me no problem. Tyreese never owned him no gun. Tyreese he say some dudes was messing with him."

    For an adult to use small children as human shields a very egregious offense. I guess the best we can say is that justice was done.
